You Don’t Owe Them Anything

In today’s podcast, we talk about a lesson we hope every woman (and really just every person) knows: no matter what someone does for you, gives to you, buys for you, etc., you don’t owe them anything.

Anything anyone decides to give is their choice. And you get to choose to receive it - and that’s that.

The reason this can get sticky is when the person giving makes an assumption or creates an expectation of the person on the receiving end.

And let’s be real - we’ve allll done this. So as always, there’s no shame if you have. But we do want to bring it to the light, so that all of us can show up to our relationships with clean energy and clean intentions.

This is a good one.

We love you!

Abby + Fallon

Abby - 
Fallon - 
You Don’t Owe Them Anything
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