The REAL Do’s & Don’t’s of Manifestation

7 - Abby + Fallon on Manifestation
Abby: [00:00:00] All right, I'm gonna take a deep breath. Just, I'm rolling my shoulders back and just getting ready to talk about manifesting today.
Fallon: I know this is gonna be a good one. I'm excited. I was really excited. The drive home, I was like, yes.
Abby: I know. I feel like manifesting. Well, I [00:01:00] guess we can dive right into it, but like, I wanna actually start off by saying that I, I kind of hate, well that's a very strong word, , but I dislike how much manifesting is such a, um, cop, like a pop culture word now and.
It's like a good and a bad thing because it's a good thing that it is penetrating in a big way. Yes. But it also makes the work that comes like the, all of the amazing parts of it feel very, I don't know, like generic and not like what they actually.
Fallon: And what we're gonna talk about today. Yes. And I, I feel like the pop culture stuff makes it a little bit more empty.
It for me. There's a, an e emptiness in it, and there's, we're not include, there's no safe spirit. Yeah. That doesn't feel like it's a sa, [00:02:00] it's just like, Hey, do this and this and this just to get what you want. Right. Versus like, wh who do you get to become through that process? Yeah. There's such a sacred energy to its spirits involved.
The universe is involved, God is involved. Uh, your heart is involved, your higher self is involved, and that is, it's just left as if, as if it's just like we're running to the gas station to our local Circle K to get like a seven up out of the, and it just, that's how it feels like for me. So I'm glad that mm-hmm.
I'm glad that you started off with speaking to that side of it because I think that's really important is to bring back the sacredness. Of really living. Right. Because we're always manifesting. Right. I
Abby: know that's one of my notes that I wrote down is that like, like, I hate to break it to people, our listeners, but you are manifesting all the time and right now oftentimes it is not the thing that you wanna be manifesting
Yeah. Like good or bad. It's always, [00:03:00] I mean, I think for me, what I believe about manifesting the core of it is, you know, really is your, your beliefs in, it's like your desire plus your beliefs, plus your certainty is what really brings that manifestation in. But there are so many things that are underneath those layers like that are layered beneath Yeah.
Fallon: Because we know that the, the belief system is built from when we're, you know, one to six, seven years old, that subconscious brain, so mm-hmm. , we can consciously decide to believe something. . But, uh, you know, as you and I often talk about, but we've gotta get into the layers of subconscious brain, which lives in the sensations and the feelings and the emotions and of the body.
Mm-hmm. , so manifesting really includes the body, but also I think that there's this fear around if I think something negative or feel something negative, then I'm either manifesting something I don't want, or I'm blocking myself.
Abby: Yeah. Or I'm doing it [00:04:00] wrong, or I'm fucking it up. I didn't follow the instructions.
Exactly. Yeah. Typically. So now it's all gonna be ruined and I'll never be able to have what I want. Yes.
Fallon: Yeah. And then it feels like this tricky game of like, well, if it's my subconscious brain, which is, you know, the 95% that is leading, that we're not aware of, then how the fuck am I gonna ever be aware of it if I'm unaware of it?
So we can get really hard on ourselves, but it gets to be a really beautiful process of getting to know yourself and when you. Tap into your body when it comes to manifesting this deeper self-awareness is created and you start to catch and see yourself in these patterns that you're like, oh wait. So like for instance, I need a new laptop.
I get to have a new laptop. Mine is on the fritz. It's very clear that it's time for me to buy a new MacBook. And I went to go purchase it yesterday and something told me to pause. My body was like, mm-hmm. Not today. And I was like, Okay. Mm-hmm. . And what came up this morning, [00:05:00] just as I was looking at my old laptop and you know, was you're still buying, you're still purchasing this from a space of feeling not worthy of it.
And so there's some unconscious energy around you spending this money on yourself. You don't feel like you're worthy of having this new laptop. And I was like, whoa. Right. And it wasn't like that detailed, like, I'm giving you the detail cuz as you know, when we're the self-awareness and the thoughts and the emotions come up, it's very like, you don't feel worthy.
Mm-hmm. , like, I looked at my laptop and I felt unworthiness and then I was like, oh, I'm still purchasing it from an unconscious.
Abby: Well, and I'm really glad that you said that because literally when I went to write down notes, for this today, the first thing I wrote down was most important thing in manifesting, knowing you're worthy of what you want.
Mm. Because regardless of like all of the other work that you do, if you don't actually believe that you're worthy of having the thing that you're asking for, then you are. Mm-hmm. gonna block it on all fronts. And that's why doing the. Beliefs work is so important. Doing the body work, the [00:06:00] beliefs work, the Yes, the sacred part of the manifesting that maybe you don't, that you're not as familiar with in the, the pop cultureness.
Mm-hmm. of manifesting.
Fallon: Yeah. And that is the work that, that's really the pricelessness of this work because of who you like, like I said earlier, who you become through the process, but who you are deciding to be. Yeah. Like, we're not doing this belief work so we can, you know, make multiple six figures in this so I can manifest a new car.
Abby: I'm not like exactly your dream house. You're like, what? Who is the, who is the woman that I need to become and to believe that I can have the house that I really want? Who believes that I can have, you know, the husband who lives in this house, house with me and the kids and the job and. , like believing that you're worthy of all of the things is, is where it all comes into [00:07:00] play.
And that's like where your life, like where you as a person, like at a core level, truly change and evolve. Yeah. And you get to witness all of these things about yourself. Yeah. In that process. Yeah.
Fallon: So you get to enter into, you know, we talked about this on past episodes of enter into the journaling and the belief process and the embodiment.
you get to enter into it with such a sacred, like an I reverence and a love and an excitement for yourself. Again, not to get the new car, but the new car gets to fucking come too. Like, fuck yeah. Mm-hmm. , that gets to be enjoyable, but, but it's, it's, it's so hard to put into words. Mm-hmm. , but you get to, to enter into the space with you and spirit where you're dancing and you're co-creating and you're healing.
And then the, the belief of the worthiness. And I don't know that I always feel worthy of everything. Mm-hmm. , but it's always a beautiful, like, layering and work. I'm always a, you know, a work in progress. I'm always a novel that's being edited, and yet I'm [00:08:00] also okay now, and I'm, we're always inherently worthy.
Mm-hmm. , right? We can logically know that, but we've gotta dance that into the body. Whatever the way is that you works for you, right? Mm-hmm. , like, it could be literal dancing into the body, or it could be breathing it into the body. It could be like writing it into the body. Um, but the worthiness is key.
And it's also okay if you feel unworthy, but the knowing just like my laptop, oh shit, I still feel unworthy. I shouldn't be spending 1500, $2,000 on. Oh wow. Interesting. Right. And just getting curious, you know? Exactly. Yeah. Well, and
Abby: that's where having somebody to help guide you through the process can be super helpful.
Because a lot of these things, I mean, you're not gonna be aware of, and you're not gonna really know maybe what questions to ask in the beginning. You know, you might know, you may know what you are desiring, what you want to feel like, because oftentimes it's just gonna [00:09:00] be the exact opposite of how you're feeling right now.
Yeah. Or maybe the opposite of the life experience that you're having right now. But that's why it can be really helpful to work with, you know, a mentor or a coach, or absolutely. Anybody really like in this space who can help. See, see that clearly and hold that space for you, ask you the questions to really clarify the things that you are wanting to create and wanting to experience.
And yeah. And on the, on the flip side of that, I also don't wanna get too deep into, because manifesting is like a, is a deeply spiritual process and evolution of yourself as a human being and you know your spirit. But starting off manifesting, like if you've never started off it, it also just gets to be really fun.
Yes. And you can just do little like fun things, like the things that you don't have any issue, like thinking that you're worthy of. Like if you're like, you know what would be really cool is if somebody. [00:10:00] You know, bought me a coffee today. Mm-hmm. that wasn't expecting it. Or like if I just got like, if like maybe flowers were dropped off at my house or if, you know, I found a, a $5 bill on the ground.
I don't know, like, whatever, like the things that you wanna just, if you wanna start playing with it. Because with all of this, and a big part of manifestation too is, is the play is like Yes. The, the dreaming, the the and the lightness. Letting your desires like come into your, like the creation of it in your mind and your imagination, all of that.
And because obviously the opposite, you know, and it, the things that really kill manifestation are putting that strangle hold on the Yeah. Attachment. The attachment
Fallon: expectation.
Abby: Yes. Of it needing to happen now. Yeah. Cause if it didn't happen now, then. , you're a failure or Well, yeah.
Fallon: And when Manifesta manifestation comes out of survival mm-hmm.
when we're trying to manifest out of survival mode, [00:11:00] it's just not going. It's just not gonna work. Because God loves us so much. Universe, source spirit loves us so much that doesn't, he, she, it all of it doesn't want us to manifest from that place, or we'll always manifest from that place. So it's, it's doing us a great service of like, Hey, you're in survival mode.
I'm not gonna give you what you want in survival mode because I don't want you to live in survival mode. Right. So I can't fully offer everything to you from that space. But I started manifesting a long time ago, I don't even know that I was, realized that's what I was doing. Like I wouldn't have called it manifestation.
Mm-hmm. at like 18, 19 years old. Right. Um, , but I would start off with green lights. I would ask my angels for all green lights. Hmm. Like I just want all green lights or, you know, parking space is obviously a really popular one, but even still, that is one of my fucking favorite ones to do. Mm-hmm. , because I can manifest a front row parking space like nobody's business.
Mm-hmm. so much so that every time we park, [00:12:00] Nova's always like my daughter. It's always like, mom, thank you angels. We got our front row parking. Like she just knows. Yeah. Um, and that's a fun one because there is no attach. . Well, and it's
Abby: now become like a fun standard for you. Yes. Like where, like for other people, you know, standards can be around money or can be on, you know, how people treat you or whatever.
You can make standards around anything. But I love that you have a standard around always getting the front parking space. And so you
Fallon: always do. Yes, I always do. And I love it and it's fun and it's mm-hmm. lighthearted. And it doesn't mean anything about myself that I, yes. Don't get the front row if I, you know, one day it doesn't happen.
I didn't fuck it up. I'm not a, oh, I'm a terrible man. If it's just, it's like, oh, okay, interesting, whatever. And I just move on about my day. And that is another thing with manifesting. It's like, what are you making it mean? Mm-hmm. . So one of the things I really discovered in this last year specifically around manifestation, was everyone says doubt kills, manifest.
While that can be true, I have actually found that it doesn't have [00:13:00] to be, I have had a lot of self-doubt or doubt around my situation or doubt around different things in my life, a lot this last year. And I have still been able to receive very specific and very big manifestations that I was unsure of.
But I think it's the way in which we, I, I don't wanna say dance with the doubt cause I feel like I use that term a lot. No, but engage with the doubt. Like how much am I putting into the doubt versus like, oh, I see you. Thank you for trying to keep me safe. Doubt mm-hmm. , but like, we're not gonna lead here and you're still, you can still exist with me.
I'm gonna still carry you and take you with me because you're a part of me. I'm gonna leave none of you behind. But it's the way in which we really, um, engage with, with doubt, because your doubt can't fuck up your manifestation. It's what you make, what you feel mean, it's what you make. What you think mean is way more important than.
than the actual, like what you think and feel, in my opinion and what I have experienced more.
Abby: Well in watching, you [00:14:00] know, in your particular experience watching, uh, as an outsider in that, I think when it comes to manifestation and doubt and fear coming in, it's like, what do you do when that fear hits you?
Mm-hmm. , do you believe it? And do you stop doing your work? Or like you're saying, do you dance with it? Do you say, do you question it? Do you like play devil's advocate with it? Like, Hmm, maybe you're right, but maybe you're not right. Yes. You know, like, what if you're wrong and what if this other thing might be true and still continuing on with the work?
Because if you continue on with the work, the underlying belief there is that you have, you have belief that all of this is working out for you. That everything that you are, That you are dreaming, desiring, working toward is coming to fruition. Yes. Yes. I think it's more the, if you, cuz we all are gonna have doubts and fears, but if you let that stop you, if you let [00:15:00] it, if you let it like really get in your head, paralyze you Yeah, yeah.
Paralyze you. Yes. So that you stop and then Yeah. Then of course, yeah. Then, then you've, then you've shut the door in your head to that thing becoming possible and, and you've believed that it's just not possible for you. And if that's what you believe, then of course it won't be until you. We switch back to believing that maybe it is possible
Fallon: and inviting in that Yes.
That both are gonna exist. Mm-hmm. like you're going to believe and you're not going to believe. Yeah. Like the doubt and the belief are you don't have, they're gonna coexist. Yes. Like the duality has got to coexist and you, you get to make space for the pleasure and the pain, the hot and the cold, the quote unquote good and the bad.
Like they both get to exist.
Abby: It's when you, Katie Perry in my head, Yes. .
Fallon: It's, that is, that is far more important and, and what ends up happening is, is like you said, [00:16:00] the devil's advocate is if you can let the belief lead even a little bit more mm-hmm. a microscopic amount more than the doubt. Yeah. If you can let the belief of the possibility of the potentiality lead, then you're still keeping that space open.
Exactly. Yeah. And you're right, as long as you're continuing to show up for the work. Right. Like, yes. If I would've let my doubt in this last year, Stop me and I gave up then yeah. Then I wouldn't, I wouldn't have received even half of everything that I've received and I, right. Yeah. And I know, like, I'm kind of being vague, but, you know, I've just, I love a toxic relationship and mm-hmm.
had to move outta my home with my daughter and, you know, and manifested a really cool new home. And I've talked about some of this on past episodes, but, and also just money and all kinds of really amazing things has come into my life and, and a really great man and great friends and sisters. Um, all of which at one time in my life, I really question was even available or possible for me.
Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah,
Abby: [00:17:00] exactly.
Fallon: And have we told your story? We, did we tell your story? Which one? Uh, maybe we said it on the abundance episode. Your, like first. Oh, we, that was the sign of your sign. So when we talk about manifesting, you can play with the signs. Oh, yeah. So like, on the very first episode, we talked about Abby talked about her, you know.
Yes. She wanted a sign and she asked and she got like all eight signs or whatever. Oh, yeah. On all in one. Yeah. All in one.
Abby: Well, you know, and what I was really thinking about for this episode too is, you know, man, like manifesting, like things that I would love to manifest that I, I mean, love to, that I have manifested are mm-hmm.
you know, apartments, houses, like the apartment that I wanna live in, or the car that I wanna have, or, you know, now the man that I'm marrying , you know? Yes. That also, and, and I think that when it comes to, [00:18:00] when it comes to manifesting, like at the core of it,
because what I was thinking about before this, I'm trying to gather my thoughts around this because the way that I did it is not necessarily the way that I would advise somebody else because of the beliefs that I had at the time, which were, when I was manifesting, you know, my partner, my relationship, I had just come out of like a five year long relationship and I took, you know, two years after that to really heal and do the work and become the kind of woman who would have the man that I now have.
Right. And, but I just wonder, like I was thinking about this beforehand. I was like, I just wonder if part of that process for me though was being like, okay, well I put in this, I put in the time like, Put in the suffering, the five years of [00:19:00] suffering, so that I could then deserve to have the kind of love that I want.
Yes. And don't we all do this for fucking everything ,
Fallon: you know, at least in one area of our life, we Sure. Right. If not in many, yeah, yeah.
Abby: being like, well, if I suffer, then I, yeah. If I have earned it, if I haven't suffered enough for it or gone through enough pain, then I don't get to have this beautiful reward.
And so what I would encourage the listeners to do , start working on, you know, start doing the The mindset work, the beliefs work Now to know that you don't have to put yourself through any of that kind of struggle like you may have already, you know, you're a human being. You've probably already gone through some, but like, you don't have to.
It's not necessary for you to go through that in order to then receive the things that you want. You don't have to, and this is such a common just belief in. , I mean, I think worldwide, but like America for sure with like, you know, [00:20:00] based on the Puritan beliefs that we've, that we were kind of all created around.
But like there doesn't have to be struggle in order to have salvation or pain in order to feel happiness. And
Fallon: you don't have to do and, and work hard and achieve in order to receive, like Yeah. Like you don't
Abby: have to kill yourself in order to finally be able to be happy.
Fallon: Yes. And yes, there's an element of quote unquote hard work, right?
But the work that Abby and I are, are speaking to is the work of really becoming intimate with yourself. Of, again, we're gonna keep speaking to beliefs because that is where it all begins, is this belief and worthiness. So, yes, it's hard in the sense of, because it takes presence and awareness, but it's not hard.
Like you've gotta be out hustling and draining yourself and being only of service all the time [00:21:00] and putting yourself on the back burner and you know, like it's not, you don't actually have to do all of that and you don't also have to, you know, be in the toxic relationship to get a good relationship
Abby: Right. You know, like we, I like you and I both,
Fallon: really gone through that. Um, and we don't have to, you know, like the rags to riches stories, like Exactly. That doesn't all have to occur that way. Yeah. Like those
Abby: are stories, but there are, you can write whatever story you wanna write. Yes. And one of the things I really love when it comes to, like, thinking about books that I've read,
Um, and this one you recommended to me, which is Happy Pocket full of money mm-hmm. , which is such a joyful read. Um, but there's one line in there that always, that I always love to go back to, which is basically the idea of it is that everything that you, all that you want, everything that you desire to have, like in this life, in this 3D experience of human life, it's already here now and you were actually born with it.[00:22:00]
And if it's already here now, like then how would you be knowing that you have all of the things that you desire and, and what the 3D human experience actually is, is just you getting to take hold of more of it, getting to experience more of it in real life. And so it's not, so, it's not thinking like, oh, all of these things are separate from.
Or in the future. Or in the future. Mm-hmm. , they're all a part of me now. They're all now, they're all happening now. I'm worthy of all of them now because actually I was already born with all of them. Yes. So if you took that kind of energy into your every day, knowing that you already have all of the things that you desire and that you get to just start claiming more and more and more of them in your 3D world along the way.
Fallon: Yes. And Cameron Gandhi, I think it's how you say his last name, we're Happy Pocket Full of Money, does a really incredible job of [00:23:00] simplifying the quantum field for mm-hmm. our brains to, to, to see. And he has that analogy of the soccer field and like what's happening at 10 years old and what's happening at 30 years old is, is all on the same fucking soccer field of life.
It's all happening right now. But I also like to picture it like, You know, I mean, vortex is a also such a popular word because Abraham Hicks and, and all of that. But I really do like to picture that we're like my RN and we're living in this vortex and that everything I desire is actually right. It, it is in my vortex.
Mm-hmm. . So I like energetically it exists already for me. Mm-hmm. , it just hasn't made its way. Into, like we said, the 3d, the actual experiencing it from the human perspective. Mm-hmm. . And so if I can believe that it's already in my vortex, then what else around that? How can I support my nervous system to feel safe to receive it?
And so I do that through my personal embodiment work. You know, you, uh, posted my stories. Some stuff [00:24:00] that I do. I do like rage work, bo and body work, but I also do tapping. Mm-hmm. . I do breath work. I take cold baths. I journal, I process with my friends about the fucking fears that I'm feeling and frustrations and how pissed off I am that the thing isn't here yet.
Or why am I fucking having to do this again as the work I've ever done. Like, I'm sick of doing the work. , like I, we don't buy, you and I are really great at, like, we don't. Overstep any part of what we're feeling, but we know that there's a sacredness in the process of feeling it, feeling our feelings, because there's gonna be something through that that allows for more of an opening to what it is that we want to receive and experience in this life, as well as really leave our energetic mm-hmm.
Print mm-hmm. as we are, as Abby and Fallon in this specific iteration of life. ,
Abby: it's funny because as you were talking, the vision that I kept seeing in my head was like, having all of these things in the vortex kind of swirling around you, and then [00:25:00] when, when you're doing all of these things like we're talking about doing the beliefs work, the body, work, the, the journaling, the, all of the things that allow us to just get to know ourselves more deeply, more fully.
It's like, then you don't, it's not about doing all of these things. It's about being, it's about coming to that realization that. . I already have all of the things that I desire and they get to be mine now. And it's almost like a, like what I saw was a, um, like a locker, almost like a high school locker, like mm-hmm.
clicking into just the dial, just moving like one teeny like notch over. Yes. Clicking in and like the, and the lock unlocking and like the door opening and everything's available. Yes. Ta-da. Here it is. Here you go. And like, got, angels are just like clapping, like, yeah. She got it. She finally got it. You know,
Fallon: she, yeah, she did.
The quick, the, not quick, [00:26:00] but the, the little pivot, the little dial turn.
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. Because oftentimes that. , all that it takes is, oh my gosh, all of this work that leads you to this teeny tiny pivot. And then everything is available to you that you just weren't able to see from your
Fallon: vantage point before.
And yes. And so often the pivot is, is a, it can be a few different things, but so often the pivot is the decision of like, you know what mm-hmm. who I am in this moment. It's perfect. Like I can, I can manage, I can navigate, I can recce like, fuck it. I, I get to now, like there's a decision that gets to be made that you get to land on the body.
That's often the pivot. Um, you know, for, for me also what has deeply helped is letting what I have now and letting what I have who I have been, be enough. Mm-hmm. Can it be enough now? And once I can feel the enoughness in my body, like this is enough. Thank you God source, universe, right? Like I say, God, whatever verbiage works for you, [00:27:00] but thank you, this is enough.
And then once I feel the enoughness, then I'm like, and more please. Yeah. But it's the more please is not from the lack of, and not from the energy of I don't have this yet. I let everything be holy fuck. And really focus and being grateful and feeling that first and then asking for the more please. And another thing that has really helped me anchor in letting life feel good and pleasure be safe is self-pleasure.
Mm-hmm. life is like, you know, the stuff that you and I are talking about is we really, not that we're perfect at this. No, but we really walk with life as a ceremony. Like we come always back to this, like our rituals episode, right? Mm-hmm. , everything really gets to be this beautiful ceremony and ritual, and then it's play and fun and full of laughter and not always heavy,
Abby: something that you have to do.
It's being like, yes, what feels good right now? And just letting yourself do that.
Fallon: Yes. Yes. So
Abby: like I feel like it [00:28:00] needs to happen right now. Yes. Letting yourself do that . Yeah.
Fallon: So as we're talking about this, it's not from like a calculated, I'm going into ceremony and I'm going into ritual, and it's like, no, what, what feels good?
And also knowing your human design or your jean keys is also really helpful and supportive. Like it's been
Abby: a day I need to light some shit and just sage this fucking house . That is, the energy is bad right now.
Fallon: Yes. Yeah. But, but everything is ceremony, but not from this like rigid. If I do step A, B, C, and D, then I get the thing.
It's like, no, we get to enjoy the process of, of life and um, and we get to have fun and we get to self pleasure and that is a really great way to anchor in receiving more pleasure. Mm-hmm. receiving good in your life, but also so is laughter. Yes. So is like, you know, all of it. Um, so is [00:29:00] crying, so is, so is crying.
Yes. Yes. So is anger. All of it gets to be a part of the process, but once we make one thing mean that we're fucking it up, then we're gonna make it mean that, and the universe is gonna be like, oh, okay, then I guess I'm saying yes to everything. So if you're fucking it up, then I guess, okay, you're fucking it up.
I'm, you know, like we just get to observe where what we're making everything mean. And, and I, I do feel that prioritizing and something this is, I'm really playing with right now is letting it be okay to play. .
Abby: Mm-hmm. ,
Fallon: whatever that means for me. I mean, that I might not be out jumping on a trampoline. Right.
But, but what, what feels like play? And without that meaning that I'm not, quote unquote working hard to receive my manifestations
Abby: well, it's like, how are you shoulding, how are you hitting on yourself, you know? Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And do I, like, should I be doing this thing? Shouldn't [00:30:00] I be doing this thing if I wanna be successful?
If I want to, you know, insert any desire that you have. Shouldn't I be more this, shouldn't I be doing more of this? Shouldn't I shouldn't, like I look more like this person or whatever, be doing business like this person or be more working, working out 12
Fallon: hours a day to be a certain body type or image or, yeah.
Yeah. All the, that so much heaviness around. the shedding. And, and I think that's always a great way to feel if you're on a path that feels good to receiving your desires or on a path that feels heavy and like tight and constricted and you're just, you can feel the difference in your body of like, ah, I'm putting too much fucking pressure on myself.
I'm not letting myself be enough or worthy right now. Yeah. Let me strip this off. Let me take a breath. Mm-hmm. , and let me see what actually just feels good and, and take away the [00:31:00] heaviness, you know? Yeah. Like give the heaviness back, right. Like, let's give the heaviness back to spear. Give it back to the universe.
Yeah. It's not really, it's not serving you and we all experience it, but acknowledging when you're in it in order to receive something. I,
Abby: so I had a reading once a couple of years ago with this woman, Belinda Womack, um, and she does like archangel readings and I just remember. I , this is the vision that I was seeing when you were talking just now, because she, she gave me this, like, she always has this very like, colorful imagery and she is like, the one thing that I remember her saying is, you know when things are, um, when like fear of doubt and things are like coming at you.
It's like, Like they're alligators in a, in like a river around you, like a moat, almost. Like you're in a castle and there are all these alligators like coming to get you, but then you're [00:32:00] throwing these violent fire meatballs at them, , and then they
Fallon: explode. And I, and so every
Abby: time, every, any time, like something in my mind is like going crazy or I'm like getting lost and, you know, going down a weird like fear spiral with something and I'm just like, I just am like, throw the vi the violet, fire meat balls all that
Fallon: I love that to bring back the levity,
Abby: you know, like, yes. Okay, let's, let's dial it back a minute and like, okay, it's okay to be feeling this fear, but is it really this scary? Can we Yes. Can we look at it? Can we step outside of it for one minute? And it's ultimately yeah, bring it back to, to the level. Yeah.
Fallon: I love that. And it's ultimately your mind just trying to find safety in the unknown. Mm-hmm. and my loves, we are always safe because we're living in the infinite unknown and we've made it this fucking far , we have made it this far. So I love the violet meatballs, like yes. Bringing [00:33:00] levity, where can we make it a little bit more light and fun?
Mm-hmm. , even when we're experiencing, you know, the feelings that don't feel as good, but also creating space for those to exist. Mm-hmm. , because we cannot, you know, I don't, I'm not, I don't agree with. . It's a part of manifesting that's like you have to always feel good and think good thoughts in order
Abby: to, like we call Yeah.
Think you're bringing that up. That's the,
Fallon: yeah. We don't subscribe to that. We let, like there's a reason, you know, one of my favorite motto that came through and that we also use on this podcast is Leave none of you behind. Yeah. Because you
Abby: don't have to, all parts of you are welcome here. Life.
Fallon: Yeah. You don't have to abandon any part of yourself.
Yes. To create the life that you truly desire. And that means, you know, like in this last year, I can't tell you how many times I ended up in the fetal position, literal fetal position, crying because that's what my body needed to do to grieve things that I was going through. And yet this past Saturday, I'm sitting on white Sands, be like a [00:34:00] white sandy beach looking over emerald waters with a man who adores me and watching the sunrise over the ocean.
and I'm like, this is the fucking life. Yeah. I didn't have to abandon the parts of myself that had anger and rage and grief and sadness. Mm-hmm. and pain to get here. Right. If, if anything, I'm able to experience this even more fully and from a more grounded place because I let myself experience myself more fully than I ever had before.
Abby: Yes. And that is the whole point of all of this.
I mean, honestly, it's like the whole point of the work of the manifestation work. It's not, like we said in the beginning, it's not about manifesting a car or the house or like whatever it is that you want, it's, it's what, who is the person that you become in the process? [00:35:00] The person that you, that loves all parts of yourself so fully that.
you're like drawing everything to you because you're so magnetic. Mm-hmm. , because you are just so fully, um, you and just so fully embodied in who you are and what you want, and knowing that you're worthy of it. That it's like you're walking around, it's Oh, it's the unfuckwithable. Yes. I was gonna say, you're walking around like, no fuck to be given here.
Yes. Because, and not saying that you don't care about people, but like that there, the, the small stuff is like not gonna get to you as much because you are so anchored, so centered, so full already. Yes. That like, there's no room for the bullshit, like the extra bullshit to come
Fallon: in. No. And you'll watch it come in.
Mm-hmm. and you might engage with it and then you'll catch yourself, oh fuck, I'm getting engaging with the bullshit again. Okay. I love you. Thank you for throw some meatballs at it. Yeah. , throw the vi [00:36:00] violently meatballs. Yeah. And, and you know, so often, and we hear this a lot in our world, but our listeners might not have heard this, I don't know, but.
it's, you might actually be able to say this better than I can right now, but it's, um, how, how we think or it's what we think the thing will make us feel. Mm-hmm. like we're waiting to receive the thing. To feel the thing.
Abby: Yeah. And then you realize that you can already feel that way now.
Fallon: Not having the thing fucking feel that way now.
And that is something I teach my daughter now, she just turned six and I'm like, what you're feeling at the end of the day, my love when, especially when she's just pissy. Mm-hmm. , I'm like, is a choice. We can continue to choose to engage with the energy that doesn't feel good because something didn't go your way.
Right. Or we can choose to honor it and move it and then choose to focus on what we want and not what we don't want. And the more we engage with what we don't want, the more we're gonna fucking feel what we don't
Abby: want. Right. I mean, it's like the whole, um, the whole idea. One thing goes [00:37:00] wrong and then everything goes wrong.
Because when like the first thing goes wrong, then you're like, well, now everything's gonna go wrong. And it's just like the whole cascading of events. And that's, you know, like what we said in the beginning, you're always manifesting all the time based on, you know, what you believe to be true in that moment.
And so maybe you're gonna manifest, like if you start off in a bad mood and something happens, you might manifest a couple other things if you keep engaging with that energy. Yeah. Or you might just be like, and here's a really good example. Um, so two things that would quote unquote bring bad luck have happened, quote unquote , um, for this wedding.
And. One of them is that Jameson broke a mirror a few months ago, like a month ago when we were here. And I didn't even think anything of it. And somebody else was like, ah, oh my God, you broke a mirror like before your wedding. And I'm like, whatever. Like, it was not placed in a good [00:38:00] area. It's the, there's no omen happening here.
I love that. And then the other thing is, this is what happened yesterday is that he, um, accidentally saw a picture of the back of my dress, , because I had sent pictures of my dress to our photographer, and then I was pulling up, you know, our text conversation on my, on my, uh, MacBook mm-hmm. . And he was sitting there next to me and I was like, Chloe hadn't freaked out.
He wouldn't have even noticed. Sure. But, um, I also, I'm just like, yeah, no, that also doesn't phase me because who cares?
Fallon: Yeah, whatever. And that's a testament to what you're making it mean. Exactly. And it's the whole, the
Abby: whole point of this, it's like if I were somebody different or if I believed that, like if I didn't so strongly hold certainty in myself, in Jameson, in our relationship, [00:39:00] in our future, and what I know, like my certainty in that, then I could.
Let these other things rattle me or make me go down a weird spiral of like, holy shit, what if this, I don't know, does something Sure. Or I can just move on with my life and be like, damnit, I should have been more careful. .
Fallon: Yeah. Or that, no, that mirror was in a shit place. Yeah. It was in an that's not, there's no omen here.
Okay. Bye. And then you just disengage with the energy. Yeah. You didn't even engage with it at all. Yeah, exactly. I love that. Yeah, you're really good. I will say Abby is really incredible about, about her intentions on what she's gonna make something mean, like even in bigger life decisions, there's some things that she and I have talked about that.
Are really personal, but the way that she's like, oh, I've just decided that it doesn't, I'm not available for that. I'm like, oh my gosh, I forget that I can do that. , . I forget that. I get to decide that I am what I am or I'm not available for. And, and you are, you hold a [00:40:00] certainty in your field once you've decided that is inspiring and infectious, because that's, it is that certainty is like it all of a sudden then I'm able to tap into certainty around certain, you know, certain things.
Um, because you remind me of like, oh yeah, shit. And, and, and there's an, an inevitable to Yeah. Our dreams. That's also, I've decided that my dreams and my dream life, which I'm so many levels I'm currently living and, and more that I desire is fucking inevitable. Mm-hmm. , it's going to happen. I just don't know when.
I don't know when, but I also have evidence. And you have evidence. And if we don't have evidence in our current life, start to find the people and women, if you're a woman or a man, if you're a man or whatever you identify with, like that would resonate with you, that you can believe it, but find evidence of it already existing and put like lean into that.
Yeah. And so you and I have evidence now [00:41:00] in our own life, but we didn't always, no. We have evidence that our dreams and our desires are they're fucking coming. Yeah, they're exactly,
Abby: yeah. And so many of them have already happened. Like that's the beautiful thing. Yes. It's not about just the, these, these big moments.
It's about all of these beautiful like miracles that are happening literally every day,
Fallon: every day, every day. I mean there, there, I can't remember, there was something I read the other day, but basically it was along the lines of like, if you want to see the beauty of life, Then it's like, how are you looking at life?
Mm-hmm. and, and you know, there's so much to, to allow like for delight. And, you know, you and I are constantly sending each other pictures of angel numbers of meaning, certain meanings that you and I have in our own lives. Right? Like, we know, like I know what means something to Abby, vice versa, that nobody else would.
They'd be reading our text thread like, what the fuck are they sending pictures of? What does this mean? [00:42:00] Mm-hmm. . But because we're so open and willing and great, and we really walk in a lot of gratitude, not that we've mastered this, um, but like I look up at the clouds and I breathe and it's just like, fuck.
Life is so beautiful. Yeah. And what a, what a beautiful journey I get in this life as Fallon Jay as a human to experience this and who I get to become in the process. And there's a, a patience that grounds in that everything will make its way to me. Mm-hmm. , my work is, is this work is the soul work of what we've already talked about.
That is really what I'm here to do for myself and, and guide others through. Um, but not, but like I have a bunch of weeds outside right now. My house, like of my house, and they all just bloomed into these really incredible flowers. Mm-hmm. . And it's just like, look, appreciating that, you know, like I'm not cursing the weeds in my life because they're mm-hmm.[00:43:00]
many of them I'm going to like, need to weed. And many of them I'm gonna let stay cuz they're actually really beautiful flowers. Yeah. And so I guess what I'm saying is like there's so much that you get to just immerse yourself in in each moment. Like as I'm sitting here in my closet recording this and it's like we have the best conversations.
Yeah. You know, and just being in that
Abby: Well, and it's like what you said earlier about being in almost like always. You said ceremony, but what just came to me was like being in more communion with life. Mm-hmm. , like being very, instead of living it with such a, like, just with no intention, no mindfulness, no, no.
Being in communion with anything around you, with, with the people around you, with nature, you know, with mother nature, with the birds, with flowers, with whatever, anything. Um, but just looking around at the world [00:44:00] and seeing the beauty that's there now, seeing the miracles that are already in your life now and, and having the gratitude for those, but not making it need to be some sort of, you know, gratitude practice.
Unless that's what feels good to you. Yes. But maybe today the takeaway, you know, maybe one of the biggest takeaways is walking out and just noticing the miracles that are already there. and the things that you have in your life that you, that were the things you prayed for a year ago or five years ago.
Fallon: Yes. And if you are somebody, because I know many people like this in my life now that feels like you don't have time. I don't have time to do that. I don't have time to slow down. I have to do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this. Another thing is what we speak becomes truth. Mm-hmm. . Right? It becomes even we're anchoring in with every, that's anchoring in certain beliefs in your body.
What if it's [00:45:00] different? What if there's, you know, we said this on the last episode, what if there's more? And what if you are safe to slow down? And as Abby said, you know, see the beauty of life. And when she says that, I know she also means feel mm-hmm. , because you're, you know, you have like a really cool reel from, I don't know, quite a few months ago of like, you're at, you're stopping at a gas station.
Mm-hmm. And you're just mm-hmm. taking in like the breeze and the breath and you're just, you're there. Like, you can just see the presence all over your body. And so if you're somebody that feels like you don't have time, you've probably created a paradigm that feels true,
Abby: but they're so you don't have
Fallon: time.
Yeah. But, but you do. And there is a slowdown involved in this that you're really safe to explore. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah. So let's close, um, with what is, I kind of feel like, I don't know, maybe this is like a generic question. Maybe you'll have a better question or play off of it, but what is like one of your most [00:46:00] favorite things or exciting things or something that you have manifested maybe like recently if that feels more accessible?
Abby: Or maybe you asking. You're asking me? Yes.
Fallon: and the viewers, or listeners. Viewers. There's nothing to watch yet. .
Abby: Um, something that I've manifested recently. Hmm. I mean, honestly a lot of it, like a lot of this, my energy has been going towards the wedding and I mean, one very specific thing that I manifested was a, the transportation, the shuttle.
Yes. That's taking the guess, because I literally called, I can't tell you how many, did I even, did I talk about this on the last one or did I just
Fallon: tell you? No, you only told me. So this is like a good, a really beautiful story. I love it.
Abby: Okay. So yeah. So I was just trying to figure out, Okay. All of these [00:47:00] transportation companies, all of these like coaches, these coach buses are all sold out for the weekend of our wedding.
Because you know, we, it's three weeks out. We haven't done that yet. Whatever. Again, I'm holding the certainty that all everything is working out and it's gonna be beautiful. And so I was like, I started to feel a little bit worried about that and then I was like, no, you know what? I'm gonna take a breath.
I'm gonna go back to seeing, seeing this, how I want it, how I want it to be. Mm-hmm. And I'm gonna find a great coach bus that has air conditioning, because this was the other thing, all of the ones that were available were like school buses that had no ac. And it's been in the eighties and it probably still will be in the eighties.
So I was like, we're gonna find a nij nice coach bus that has air conditioning and that is in this price point that I want, and called all these places. And before that, and then I was looking down at the map. . And I saw this one, I hadn't called, and I was like, oh, actually this has really [00:48:00] great reviews and blah, blah, blah.
I don't know why this one's just popping up now, but of course, here it is. And I called them and they're like, oh yeah, we have, you know, this many passengers, this many passengers, beautiful air conditioned bus. We have them available and they are like half the price of all of the other coach buses that I called.
And I was like, done and done. Perfect. Yes. That's what I wanted.
Fallon: Yes. Because you literally took a minute to pause and be like, okay, hang on a second. How do I want this to turn out? Yeah. What would feel good? What would feel supportive? Mm-hmm. , you took a breath, like you caught, you know, instead of going in the spiral of like, there's no fucking buses, wayed too long and nothing's happen.
I gonna do. Yeah. And like freaking out. You're like, okay, hang, hang on a second. Hold on. We, we got this. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. . Oh, I love that. Such a good story. .
Abby: And what about you?
Fallon: Um, Gosh, probably you have some great things. Yeah, I've had a lot of really great things. Um, some really big personal things.[00:49:00]
It's funny, I feel hesitant sharing this, but it's what keeps repeating to share, so I'm just gonna trust that. Mm-hmm. , um, I, it's funny cause it feels weird to say manifested this, but it's, but it's because the energy in which I've operated from has been very pure and from my heart and focused on my daughter and wellbeing.
And that is, um, holding majority custody of my daughter. Mm-hmm. and stewarding that for now. I don't know if that will be forever, but for now and it was a really big deal for me and, uh, to have, you know, the court system recognize that and give that to me. So that was really big. Um,
Abby: and that was also certainty that you've been holding this whole.
Fallon: Yes. And, and it's, and it was really from such a pure energy space, you know, it was never from like, oh, I wanna win. It was really like, this is genuine, genuinely in my heart what feels for the highest good. Mm-hmm. . Yes. What feels best. And, and that, I [00:50:00] mean, gosh, you know, and there's a lot more to that.
There's a lot more layers. And basically I got everything that I asked for and Yep. Um, which is like, just fucking incredible. I'm really grateful. And also simultaneously, like, it's too bad, it has to be this way. Like, there's also that energy and then, you know, something really light, um, and fun. I'm thinking, I mean, a piano
Abby: yeah. My,
Fallon: yeah. I, I had been wanting a piano more recently. Well, I would say in the last few months, cause I manifested a couple months ago and I just, I grew up playing the piano. I loved it. I really want Nova to be around the piano music and to learn to read music and, and I want it to be accessible and that just feels accessible.
And what's really interesting is, so my house that I also manifested last year, , that's perfect for Nova and I, um, with the creek in the back and the stairs that she asked for mm-hmm. , how's this? Has some weird little nooks to it. And so there's this weird nook that I really didn't know what to do with next to the fireplace.
So I had kind of like [00:51:00] a sitting chair there and a plant. And I was like, I'll make it maybe a meditation space or some bookshelves. Um, and then as I was really leaning into this piano, and I kind of, and a lot of things that I've manifested, I have manifested from more of like, what is that word? Like when you po is it postulate?
Like, you kind of like, like you think about it and you let it go. It's kind of like, oh, this would be cool. Mm-hmm. . And then it's like, you, you just let it go. Mm-hmm. , um, that's how it was with the piano. And then, then next week, . My neighbor, my old neighbor, she's an old lady. An older lady. She actually missed Jan.
She just actually just passed away. Oh, I know. Um, but she had ca she had called me and said, I have a piano. Do you think you would like it? Or something like that. I can't remember how, but it came to my field and I was like, yes. And I didn't know how the hell I was gonna get this piano to my house. I didn't, I was like, I don't have anybody with trucks.
Like, I hadn't met Brad yet, you know, I didn't know mm-hmm. , um, or who I said his name, but, but yeah. And I got this piano and it fits perfectly in this [00:52:00] odd nook. It's like this nook was made for this piano for Nova and I Of course. And so that, yeah. So that, that was really fun. And I've also manifested, last year I manifested six months in a course with an incredible coach I wanted to work with.
Mm-hmm. for free. Yep. So, yeah. You know, you and I have so many fun stories, but, and it's never from this, like, I'm trying to manifest this. It's like, yeah. Oh, how, how, what would I like to receive and experience and create and,
Abby: yeah. Yeah. . Yeah. What would I like to experience? That's such a good one. Like just That is a good one.
Asking yourself that question because it's different than, what do I want? Mm-hmm. , what would I like to experience?
Fallon: Yes. How would that feel in my body? Mm-hmm. . Yeah. I mean, I think we could probably talk about this for a whole other hour.
Abby: I know. We really could , we really could because it's, it's hard because it's, we're, I don't know.
I feel like it can be jumping all over the place a little bit and I wanna, I wanna like lead them [00:53:00] down a specific path, but at the same time, um, it doesn't have to be like done in a perfect straight line and no. And it almost never will be me. No. Yeah. I think the biggest thing is, is yeah, asking yourself what would you like to like, play around with it?
What would you like to have fun with? What do you want to, what do you want to experience? What might be fun to experience?
Fallon: Yes. And if there's any part of this episode that you're like, go deeper into that, I wanna know more about that. I want, you know, what about this? Like,
Abby: let us, or you know, what it was that we were talking about.
Fallon: Yes. Like, let us know specific Yeah. Because we are happy to move in the direction that feels really supportive to all of you as well and go deeper. And, because Yes, you and I, we have, there's so many like kind of little nuances that I can feel we wanna go into, but we're really trying to come back to the center of and the topic.
Yeah. Um, but it's fun. We love it. It's fun. And we, we have so many [00:54:00] incredible experiences with not only ourselves, but our watching our clients manifest incredible
Abby: lives. Yes. And one thing just came to mind, I remember, um, last year, a girl who I love on Instagram, um, Who I've, who I'm, I've known just because of Instagram.
And I was like, I'd written down my journal, I think the day before. Oh, I kind of wanna be asked, I'd like somebody to ask me to come and, you know, speak in their Facebook group. And then she literally, I think a few hours later or the next day out of nowhere, it was like, Hey, I wanna talk about manifesting and I know you like, and I love talking to you about manifesting.
Can you come and speak to my group, my Facebook group on manifesting? And I was like, you know what's funny about that is I literally just manifested this so .
Fallon: Oh, I remember this. I love it so much. . Yes. That was so big. Yeah, because she has a huge Facebook group. Like I don't think people understand like she has a big following.
Abby: Yes. She, well, she has a really big Instagram. She's got like, [00:55:00] I don't know, two or 300,000 people. Yeah. Yeah, that was amazing. So yeah, so just really fun. So fun stuff like that where you're like, Ooh, what? This might be fun to experience. Like I'd love to just do this thing. Let's see if it happens. And like, let it be light.
Let it be fun. Let it be playful and see what happens.
Fallon: Yes. And if it feels heavy, dance that through your body. Yeah. Punch some pillows. Cry process with a friend. Let it all be okay. Yeah. Let it all be okay. Doesn't have to be so serious. Yes. And then cuz you'll get to the point where it does feel light again.
You just will.
Abby: Yeah, you will.
Fallon: So go throw those meatballs. , most importantly.
All right, good.
Abby: Well, we love you. Thank you for being here.
Fallon: We love you. Have a beautiful time manifesting and share with us your favorite stories and what else you would like to dive deep on. [00:56:00]

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