The REAL Do’s & Don’t’s of Manifestation

If you’re listening to this podcast, chances are HIGH that you’re already familiar with manifestation and have probably been playing around with it a little bit.  The thing is - there is more to manifestation than asking the Universe for a free coffee today (though honestly it’s a really fun and easy way to start playing with the energy).  

But manifestation is also about going deeper - asking yourself what it is you truly desire to create & experience in this life, moving through your shadow and doubts and disbelief and dissolving the resistance to receiving all that your heart desires.

It’s about knowing with certainty that everything you desire is actually already yours - and it’s only a matter of belief that keeps you from taking ownership of it within your 3D life.

Get ready - this one is JUICY! 

Abby - 
Fallon Jaye - 
The REAL Do’s & Don’t’s of Manifestation
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