You CAN Trust Yourself to Know When the Time is Right

Fallon: [00:00:00] hello and welcome back to I saw the sign I am Fallon J and I'm here with the lovely, intelligent projector who loves to be recognized. We need to recognize our projectors, Abby Hamble surprise, surprise, surprise intro, um, but we actually [00:01:00] have a surprise episode for you sort of, I guess this is a surprise, um, because today we're talking about.
Trusting the changes that you're being guided to and through and how that is wrapping up some things for Abby and I, as well as this podcast, wrapping up this first full season together and taking a small break before we come back next season.
Abby: Yes. Before we come back next season and speaking of next season, we've gone over a ton of things and there's still so much to talk about. So listeners from you, what do you want to hear from us next season? What are some topics that you might want us to dive deeper into? What have we not talked about yet that you want to hear us riff on a little bit and what would be really helpful?
What would be really supportive to you? We'd love to hear from you.
Fallon: is there [00:02:00] another episode to that? You're like, man, I wish they would have gone deeper into that specific episode or topic or, um, because we can absolutely, we would love to go all the directions. We are.
Abby: want to talk all day.
Fallon: We are wordy ass bitches. We can go and go and deep, go deep and far and wide and full spectrum. So yeah, but
Abby: Honestly, if we had to keep it to a certain amount, we would go on all day.
Fallon: this is true. We had to give ourselves time limits. We literally, I keep track of the time y'all so that we do not talk for 60 minutes and we can just stay focused and potent for all of you. Um, but gosh, how much has changed? We were just reminiscing that we started recording last year. Like, we've, we've been in this, we really start, we kind of talked about the idea of a podcast together.
Like, we'd kind of drop it, like, here in conversation. And then it wasn't until you flew out for my birthday, my 40th birthday in March. Uh, what was that 22, [00:03:00] 22, and that's when we really sat down and shelled out the notes for what the podcast, what we, the intentions for it. And then I think it was about a couple months later, we started recording.
Abby: Yeah, I think we started recording in June or July.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: Because you guys, we've recorded like nine episodes before we even were ready to put it anywhere.
Fallon: Yeah. Yeah, we had done a lot of work behind the scenes and it still took months for us to actually release it to the public. It's definitely been like such a birthing process, but also one that just felt really organic and fun and not heavy at all.
Abby: Which, honestly, goes beautifully with what we're going to talk about today. Because, um, yeah, it's all about, I mean, this episode, it's all about trusting your seasons, trusting, like Fallon said, trusting what you're being led to, what you're being guided to, even if it's different than what maybe you've [00:04:00] been doing for the last, you know, however long, um, and not even, well, I want to go back to something too, which is.
This idea that, um, in order to build anything, you need to be consistent and you need to show up every day and you need to, you know, do all these things that kind of is conditioned into like, if you're not like you're not committed, if you don't do X, Y and Z things and. And for this, it's like one of the things that came up as we were talking about ending on a season and having this podcast be seasons versus just continually going is to allow both of us to have the time and the space to trust our own intuition and to follow where we're being guided.
And for me, I'm being very, very, um, quickly guided into, um, new motherhood. And so I want to give [00:05:00] myself the time and the space and the grace to put all of my time and attention towards that, where it should be. And
Fallon: I cannot not cry with this baby coming. I'm so excited for you. And it is such a transition, the one that you get to be in. She's so present y'all. She's so present in her. Body and with Ellis already and how she's going to move through this and just really trusting her intuition into this, you know, from pregnancy into actual motherhood and early motherhood.
And, um, it's fun to watch you trust it. And it's fun to watch you have fun in it.
Abby: thank you. I was going to say too, that I was on the treadmill this morning, just trying to walk and get some movement in because that feels good for me. And I was listening to, I was listening to, um, my wedding playlist and. It like gets me too emotional and I like just like started [00:06:00] crying and my heart rate just like shot up like a rocket because I couldn't breathe enough and I was like, okay, I think we're done.
Fallon: Yeah. I don't need to activate myself like this. Pregnancy hormones. Oh, and her wedding playlist was amazing. It was like from beginning to end. It was just all the feels
Abby: All the feels. So, ah, but back to you all the feels. Impressing.
Fallon: way back to the point of the podcast.
Abby: Yeah, trusting all your own feels of your intuition and what it might be guiding you to and letting yourself trust that letting yourself trust that even if it's taking you, you know, if you're hearing kind of whispers of guidance, or you keep getting.
You know, and this might show up back to, you know, call back to the, the name of the podcast. I saw the sign when you keep hearing people telling you things, maybe that you don't recognize about yourself, or you keep seeing little things pop up that you take notice of. It's this [00:07:00] guidance that's coming through for you that maybe it's, it's time to start taking notice of and time to start trusting that there might be something different available for you than you were expecting.
Fallon: Yeah, and the pivot is a good thing. It's scary, right? And we've talked about this a lot. It's scary and you're not always going to see the next steps and depending on your human design, you're really not going to see the next steps, but it is really important that you find the devotion. Right? So we're talking about, like, you don't always have to stay consistent for things.
To happen, but you do get to stay devoted in the energy to them happening for you. You get to say, devoted to yourself, devoted to God, devoted to the path, even when you don't know what that looks like, but trusting or that trust can waiver. Right? This is where we drop into the faith. That deep faith that you're being called to something different because it's a [00:08:00] different feeling.
It's a different vibration. Your body already knows your body's probably already signaling to you. Like, oh, we're getting ready to enter something new. That's when you jump. That's when you leap. That's when you remember that you do have wings. That's when you remember that everything on the other side of that is brand new scenery.
It's like moving into a brand new house. You're not going to know all of the creeks and the noises and, you know, but it's something really beautiful in the new beginnings. And that doesn't always mean like, like, for me, I guess I can feel a lot of things shifting in my life. Some are very obvious. Um, some are not, I can just feel it.
And I've been feeling it for months. I wrote a post about it kind of being in this in between of like, Ooh, I feel things coming and they feel different than things that I've ever done. But at the same time, it's things that I've always done. If that makes sense, like whatever I'm getting ready to step into, I don't know what it is exactly.
I can feel it. Um, it feels like something that's always been a part of my [00:09:00] life. But also in a interesting way, something that's going to be really new. So just remember to like, it might not, the pivot and what you're being called to, even if it feels scary, might be something that you are so in your genius in that you've it's just right under your nose that you've forgotten that how good you are.
At that, and now it's time to express it in a different way or bring it to the world in a different way. And that can mean like family, right? Like, Abby's getting ready to just really move into family. Like, it can mean a bunch of different things. It doesn't have to just be related to business. For me, it feels very much related to my business and my work in the world, but this can relate to any part of your life.
Abby: I just feel like we're also at this time of, we're at this time of the year where there's already, you know, it's the end, the, I don't want to, well, we're not at the end of summer.
Let's not get crazy. We still have
Fallon: Listen, I'm in Florida. We got summer till November.
Abby: That's true. But I feel like we're at kind of that time of the [00:10:00] year where. You know, summer is, you know, we have this next month and then we transition into fall and fall always feels like this big time of, of transition, you know, going back to school, um, and, you know, getting yourself prepared for the end of the year.
And it just feels like such a great time to reflect on how things have been going. How you have been showing up for yourself, showing up for the people in your life and asking yourself too, if there are any ways that you want to pivot, like you were saying, or any ways that you would like to add in a little bit more, you know, and by add in more, I mean, add in more things that bring joy.
And so. Maybe let go of the things, some of the things that you're feeling, um, are more of the shoulds, more of the, and [00:11:00] this is where the trust, the trust all comes in, you know, where does it feel like there could be some heaviness that's in your life that you can. Does it need to be there? Do you need to hold on to it?
Is it actually yours to carry? Or is it something that you can maybe set aside, hand to somebody else, or just decide it's not yours?
Fallon: Yeah, I'm listening to you. I'm feeling. This call to remind. Us all of you listeners that sometimes what. Is coming through is the ask to slow down is the ask to be here a little bit more a little bit more present and. And in that, then you're going to feel those next steps more clearly. You're going to feel and the next steps are like, what I'll be saying, like, what are, what is really that you've been hanging on to that?
It's time to like, put [00:12:00] down and what are the nudges that you have been receiving repetitively. That are trying to guide you your North star, but you're like, no, I'm going to this starts bright to you. I'm going to follow. I'm going to keep following that star. But God and life is like, okay, sure, but it's not the North star.
It's not your North star. And because you already know, you know, Abby and I will always preach if you will, that, you know, your way, it may not feel like you do. So what are the messages that have been coming through in the form of conversations or songs or just intuitive nudges, just this inner knowing of like, I really, it's time for me to shift my energy this way, but you're letting the, how.
Or the unknown get in the way of you making that shift, um, and the slow down. Will help you actually, it feels counterintuitive in a world full of doing in a world full of production and a world full of going and hustling the slowdown fills. Not great, but what if [00:13:00] you can invite in that rebel part of you that's like. Fuck this. We're going to slow way down. We're going to be in our body. We're going to be in our sensuality and we're going to listen and we're going to trust, or we're going to move in faith as we carry the trust somewhere within us to what we're being guided to, because there's something you're really wanting to be guided through.
And there's your higher selves got this. And the trust to that we're talking about is the trust of self and the trust of life in God for me. But the trust of self is that no matter what happens, I got me. No matter what happened, I could get my heart broken tomorrow. I could lose everything tomorrow, which I have.
There's so many things that you get to just trust that you will. You've got you in it because life's got you. God's got you, but like, you can hold yourself emotionally. You can hold yourself as like, like you can actually really walk a rough path. If that's what's delivered, probably that's not going to happen.
Probably you're going to face some discomfort and then life's about to get really [00:14:00] good. And you're resisting how good it can actually get. There's a real, I really see this a lot in my own life. It's like, what am I resisting of, like, how, how good, how good life gets to be? Because if you're here, you've probably experienced a decent amount of pain or hardship. And so it's scary to think that, like, what if I, what if life gets to keep getting better and better and better?
Abby: One thing I was going to say too, in the slow down, is to going back to what you said, is that oftentimes, like when we slow down, that's when we can actually hear. That's when we can actually receive, that's when we can actually, I mean, not only hear the guidance that we're getting, but we can actually hear our own thoughts, our own, the things that are guiding us right now and, and slowing down and doing things actually intentionally that [00:15:00] make you happy, that bring you joy and doing them with that intention.
It lets every, like, it lets. Everything just be easier and things happen more quickly. So it's like the slowdown to, to speed up.
Fallon: Yeah. Yeah. The army, they say slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. And there was something I was reading this morning. What was it? Um, oh, it was this quote by somebody who was like, oh, I've had so many, I've had so many calamities, you know, happen in my life, but mostly they've all just happened in my own head.
Fallon: Oh my gosh, isn't that true?
Abby: It's so true. And this, this idea of this slowdown and just being able to then hear what's happening in your own head, then lets you re, you know, uh, what's [00:16:00] the word I'm trying to say? Like shift course. Yeah. Re evaluate shift course. And decide for yourself. Where do you want to go? Oh,
Fallon: Yeah, and where do you get to live with more intention to that's the other thing that's like listening to you speak is just this reminder as we're wrapping up this 1st season that we, and I'm guilty of this getting kind of going and going through the motions and doing that. It's like, where have I lost the intention of maybe my morning practice?
Where have I maybe lost the intention of like, just being intentional about what do I was just having a conversation with, um, A man and about selling a car, right? He's like, I don't know. Maybe I should sell this car. Maybe I shouldn't. And like, what, what is, and I was asking, well, what are you making it mean?
If you sell it on, what are you making it mean? If you don't sell it. So again, coming back to like, what are you making a mean? And then if you are going to sell it, set the intentions of how you want that exchange to feel. Yeah. Like, I want it to be an aligned exchange with somebody good, where I feel really supportive [00:17:00] with the money coming into my bank account.
Like it feels like, right. Like, so I'm just using that as a, as a story, but what, how intentional coming back to your intentions, especially as like, you're saying summer, the summer energy is wrapping up. Like, yes, I live in Florida. So we're, I'm going to be at the beach basically months and months, but the energy of summer is wrapping up.
If you're a mom, all of our kids are getting ready to go back to school. So how can you reflect on like how much fun you got to have? Don't feel guilty. Or if you notice that you're feeling guilty, cause you guys played a lot this summer, just hold that guilt and be like, I know I see you and it's fine.
It's great. What if pleasure leads to more prosperity in all parts of life? Um, but coming back to the slowdown too, it's okay if that's uncomfortable. It doesn't mean that you're not supposed to do it. You supposed to lightly, but, but the discomfort is not necessarily a sign that it's the wrong thing.
It's just feedback that it's new sensations. [00:18:00] Sensations that you're not used to holding.
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and that's what I was going to say before, too, that always, always, it's always worse in our head. It's been in real life, whatever. So just, just know that it's, it's going to turn out better than you've probably, you know, rehearsed it in your head. Yes.
Fallon: yeah, it is always worse than our head. I, I do think that, I mean, I don't know, like, part of me struggles with that a little bit because man, life got real rough last couple of years. I don't know if my head could have predicted how rough life was going to get. But what I would also say to that is most of the time, it is we come up with the worst case scenario to find safety.
But we rarely come up with best case scenario because we do not know the magic that life actually has in store for us. And so if I could have told you, if I could tell Fallon, past Fallon two years ago, [00:19:00] it is going to feel so good on the other side. It's going to feel so much better, right? Because it's more about the feeling.
That's what we're really searching for is the feeling of safety, goodness, joy, peace, trust that you're being guided to the better feeling life. And now, whatever that looks like the path, you're going to glean some wisdom and whenever you're trusting your intuition, then you can't be behind or ahead or doing it wrong.
You're right on. You're right on. Like you can't fuck this up.
Abby: Yeah. That's what I was going to say. That you can't fuck it up, regardless of how many times you tell yourself that you are
not, this is all part of the, uh, [00:20:00] being a spirit, having a human experience is that you came here to feel it all, to experience it all, to try a bunch of things. Like, if you think back, if you think about it in that way, and you were like, well. She came here because she wanted to see what life was all about and what being human was all about.
Try something different,
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: challenge yourself, let yourself do it, let yourself see how it feels like you were saying.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: just give yourself the opportunity to experience it all.
Fallon: Yeah. Let yourself be messy. That's
Abby: Messy. Perfect. It's all great.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: It's good stuff.
Fallon: Yeah. So share with us what. What you're committed to in this next season as we're moving into a new season, what your devotion is, what you are being [00:21:00] called to, maybe that your devotion is listening to your intuition and actually following it, even when it makes no sense. Cause that's the thing about intuition is like, it's going to take you on a weird windy road, but that road's going to feel a whole lot better than you trying to take the straight path that you've been taught that you need to take.
And then also share with us what you want to dive into more, how Abby and I can support you more, what you want more from this podcast. Like we are here to genuinely serve you. And one way I personally serve as, and I know Abby does too, is like sharing our own unique experiences so that, you know, you're not in this alone.
Like, cause life, life be lifin Um, so share with us too, where. What do you want more of? Ask, ask for what you want. Ask us directly. Like, I want more of this from the two of you. I would love to hear more about this. And then I will also say, if you haven't yet rated the show or reviewed it, we would love for you to do that, um, and share it with your friends.
If there's an episode that really popped out to you, if there's some nuggets that you really enjoyed and loved, and so many of you do, you share with us in our DMs, [00:22:00] you know, sometimes you post in your stories, um, keep doing that. And the more we can let this get out, the more we get to support each other in the sisterhood that is really important to Abby and I, and I feel like the collective too.
Abby: Yes, absolutely. Yes. Please. We would love to hear from you. We want to know. We want to know what you want more of, and we want to know how we can, like Fallon said, serve you, support you better. And because the more, I don't know, like you said, it's collective. The more that we all can. Learn from each other and do this all together.
It's not about us necessarily showing up as these, you know, bringers of wisdom. Obviously we hold so much wisdom, but it's about us all learning together and sharing our experiences and lifting each other up. And that's, you know, [00:23:00] that's honestly the main thing that we want in this podcast. You know, we say it it's in the tagline.
You hear it all the time, but we want to see all parts of you. Don't, you know, we're here to uplift all of the parts and so we're not sure yet when we're coming back, but we are coming back. We'll be in the next,
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: couple of months, the next 2 months.
Fallon: Yeah, we'll keep you posted. We are gonna take a, a hiatus so Abby can be a new motherhood and I'm gonna do whatever it is that God, God in life is guiding me to do and be. Um, and in the interim, trust the synchronicities. That is always going to be a good sign for you, that you are in the flow as they just keep popping in, whether it's in angel numbers or.
Songs or messages like really drop into your body, drop into your womb and trust the synchronicities. And if you don't see them, that's okay. Ask for them to be shown to you or asked to be redirected, [00:24:00] divinely redirected. And we'll still be here. You just won't have new episodes coming for a couple of months and then we'll update you.
Well, don't worry. Well, you guys will know when we're relaunching the second season. We're not relaunching, but launching the second season. Leave
Abby: yes, you'll know and in the meantime, watch for the signs signs will be there
Fallon: none of it behind.
Abby: leave none of you behind. We love you. We will be here for you and we can't wait to talk to you again soon.
Fallon: Bye. [00:25:00]

You CAN Trust Yourself to Know When the Time is Right
Broadcast by