That Good Ol’ Human Connection

One of the things humans crave the most and yet also consistently leave off our priority lists is engaging in real, intentional human connection.

In a world where we have the ability to constantly be connected, we find ourselves experiencing less and less of that connection that feeds our souls. The connection that makes you put your phone down, look the other person in the eye and really see them. And allow them to really see you.

So today’s episode is a loving reminder to put human connection back in your priority line up.

Who have you been wanting to connect with and keep putting it off? Maybe it’s a friend, or a partner, or your child or even yourself.

Take the opportunity this week to add some fun human connection into your calendar and notice how you feel after.

We’d love to hear about it!

Abby + Fallon

Abby - 
Fallon - 
That Good Ol’ Human Connection
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