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Abby: [00:00:00] Final episode for season two.
Fallon: know, it's crazy.
Abby: Let's get comfy.
Fallon: let's I don't have a blanket on my lap. It's always a little chilly. I like to keep the house super cool. And then I'm like, Oh God, it's so cold.
Abby: Yeah, I'm cozy. I [00:01:00] just got this sweater, which is actually a sweater that I already have, but, um, I got it in a different color and it's very soft and cozy.
Fallon: You rebel.
Abby: I know. So crazy.
Fallon: Sweaters in different colors. Same style. Y'all, Abby is She's really reaching her edges.
Abby: I really am. I really am.
Fallon: October 1st.
Abby: It's our anniversary today. Two years. that's right. Yeah.
Fallon: Happy anniversary.
Abby: Thank you.
Fallon: That was a great wedding.
Abby: I know. It's so fun.
Fallon: It really was. It was such a fun weekend.
Abby: I was. I was just reflecting on that. I couldn't fall asleep. Well, I fell asleep, and then I woke up at like 3 a. m. and couldn't fall back to sleep for, you know, like an hour and a half, good times. So I was just thinking about that. Just reflecting on that. The wedding in the last couple of years and
Fallon: Yeah. Yeah. A lot's happened.[00:02:00]
Abby: Yeah. And also just thinking about like all the hurricane stuff that's going on and remembering
Fallon: Oh my the hurricane that happened that weekend and just like it held off for Saturday, but Sunday was like
Abby: crazy storms. Yeah.
Fallon: That's right. Cause I remember worried about, cause that Amy couldn't fly out for
Fallon: the. Oh my gosh.
Abby: know.
Fallon: And I was able to fly out for it. Yeah.
Abby: Yeah. Thank God. It's crazy. Like, I think back on that and I'm like, how did you even get out?
Fallon: I don't know. I think it was just the times of my flight. I can't remember, but I just remember it wasn't going to like affect my flights to come to the wedding.
Abby: Yeah. Cause it was going up. It wasn't going up the Gulf side. I think it was going up the Atlantic. So maybe that was,
Abby: Y2, anyway, but yeah, two years.
Fallon: two years, first day of the month. Don't
Abby: First day.
Fallon: blow cinnamon on your porch. Set your
Fallon: intent. Apparently that's a thing.[00:03:00]
Abby: Oh, tell me more about that. I didn't know that was a Um, I guess it's I do have thing. I guess it's like a witchy thing. You blow cinnamon on your front porch as you call in abundance, supposed to usher in more abundance through your front door.
Abby: I feel, I feel like this could be a fun reel of like, just going out there and throwing it and being like, just taking like a mound of cinnamon and just like,
Fallon: Actually, that's a great idea. it. Being like, I don't know if this is going to work, but like, fuck it. Let's see what happens. Like, It's raining cinnamon Yeah. as we sneeze. Oh, I love it. So last episode, Abby, what are we talking about today?
Abby: We are talking about, I think it's, it's a good one because it circles back to the first episode of this season, which is being in your hot shit energy and really owning that. And so today we're going to be talking all about looking for the evidence.
Fallon: Yes.
Abby: And by that it's [00:04:00] like looking for the evidence of everything that you've already created.
Abby: Because I think when it comes to manifesting and. I don't know, whatever, embodying like all of the things when you're trying to create and change your thoughts and do all of this work and a lot of people, you know, and I wonder if this is still a thing because I haven't done this in a while. And now it's like we have our kind of like digital vision boards, but you know, back in the day when you would kind of cut out pictures in a magazine or you'd put it all on like a big You know, cork board or something that you could see.
Abby: And now maybe you make something, you know, in Canada and you have it on your phone as your background. And yeah, exactly. And I've done this too. And I have that too, that sometimes when you make a vision board, it can keep you in this feeling of like, Oh shit, I don't have that yet. And like, when you see it every day, you're like, still don't have it.
Abby: And so it kind of keeps you in this mindset of the [00:05:00] lack of all of the things that you want. And so you think, you think that you're. You're doing all the things and you're like creating, you're manifesting, you're thinking about it, but like really you're thinking about, Oh, I don't have it yet, you know?
Fallon: Yeah. Um, and I, I always like to look at the evidence of what's going on in the lives around me. And so, know, just to, just to be super transparent, I just met this new friend and she was talking about, um, you know, her late husband's family and what a great family he came from and just like a dream family, like so supportive and so loving and the best mother in law in the world. Which I mean, I think is amazing. And it wasn't until a few days later that I was like, Oh, because that's ultimately what I would love, you know, ultimately, I'd love to be able to have a, you know, settle down and have a partner, but that comes from a really good family. Um, and so I decided to use that as evidence of, Oh, look, it's that much closer in my field, you know, like it was available for her [00:06:00] and granted, unfortunate circumstances, but. Not even, but just we got to, to, to take anything around us as evidence versus why does it happen for that person? Not me. Well, it's that much closer to me. And then on top of that, when life life will inevitably life, um, I think we forget all of the progress that we make when it feels like the progress has paused. And so if we can remember to like, look at all of the. Progress and everything else we've done is also evidence that it can continue to compound. It just might be a divine time thing or it might be like things are kind of like the road is being remapped a little bit.
Abby: And I was saying this to a client the other day that like, it can feel just like how, So if you're looking like looking for all of the evidence around you, like that old saying of, [00:07:00] um, you know, there was a version of you a couple of years ago who would, who was like manifesting the life that you have now.
Abby: And so remembering the girl or the woman, you know, five years ago, who, you know, for me wanted to find, you know, the love of my life, wanted to have the family, wanted to get married and like have this whole life that I have now. And I think back on that and I'm like, I had like I got all of that and and so instead of like creating this vision board that keeps you kind of separated from these things that you want making, you know, an evidence board or what I've just started doing isn't kind of an easy way is making a notes like in your notes app.
Abby: Making a folder called evidence and anytime somebody sends you a text or something that confirms something for you, or you see something on the internet or like you were talking to your friend and you heard about her, you know, her really great family or husband's really great family, you know, putting that down [00:08:00] as like evidence that these are things that are in my field.
Abby: These are things that are also for me because they're being shown to me as evidence, you know, all around me. Because then you can quickly look back and be like, Oh, wait, yeah, I do have all of this evidence. I do have all of these things, like stacked in my favor. And I think when we don't do that, which often we don't, it can be Yeah.
Abby: Like you said, it can be so easy to be like, well, I feel stuck or I feel stagnant or like nothing's moving or nothing's really happening. Or maybe I'm not, you know, can be so much easier to question our, you know, the power that we have within ourselves to create change and take action from, you know, cause you know, with all the thoughts that we're having, it's like you can take action from those in a way that is going to move you forward or the action maybe is.
Abby: Something that keeps you stuck because maybe you get thought you get caught in a spiral and and it keeps you feeling a little bit paralyzed to move forward,
Fallon: Yeah, versus looking at, like, things [00:09:00] as a potential initiation, a potential way to rise through, um, you know, I can really do that. I can really get stuck in if something happens, like, what, like, almost like, what did I do wrong? Or what did I miss? And I have to really work to get myself through that. Out of that into what if I miss nothing and this is just a different type of initiation and what what am I being shown here and I'm open to learning and it's just like open to seeing this, um, but I love your notes app with the evidence. And I think that is, I think that's just really powerful to be able to, it's like the abundance log, right? Like anytime you find a penny or a dime or you get change, more change back, or something was on sale, like you can always create these logs or these notes of What is at what is actually happening?
Fallon: Because we do get lost in our thoughts and our feelings and we start to, you know, we start to really make our feelings mean something [00:10:00] like start moving. Then I must be stuck. What if that's not in? It's just a feeling and it's the manifestation world brings up so much fear that we're going to attract exactly what we feel. And I think that's done us a disservice because it's like, yeah. We're going to experience the, the realm of emotions. And so as long as we can remember, I'm just having an experience right now. I don't have to make it, I don't have to assign meaning to any of it, even though it feels real. So I loved being able, like, for that advice to lean back on.
Fallon: Like, okay, when I'm feeling like this, let's go back to the evidence. What have I already logged? Because we forget. You know, we forgot, and I also love the, the two years ago, I've done that a lot this last year, like the two, three years ago, me praying for what has been happening this year. it's like, oh, but it's here.
Fallon: And then it's here. And of course we want more and things and, you know, and it's never exactly what we think it's going [00:11:00] to look like. It never feels exactly what we think it's going to feel like.
Abby: Mm hmm.
Fallon: But if we don't acknowledge that it's still here, it's almost like we water it down. It's like a lack of gratitude.
Abby: Yeah. And that's one of the things I wrote down because, you know, I would love to write down notes before we have our calls. But one of the things I wrote down was like how to kind of shift out of that space. And it's really to, um, like look, like I already said, look for the evidence of everything that you've already created or like you've pointed out the evidence that is happening just in your life around you and trusting that that's in your field for a reason, because that's.
Abby: something that you're meant to see. That's something that's for you. And then the second, you know, step of that is just being so grateful for all of it. Like really noticing what's already in your life. That is something you would have killed for, you know, five years ago, 10 years ago that you were so like, [00:12:00] Just like I'm going to create this for myself because this is one of my biggest desires.
Abby: And so being so, so, so grateful for everything that's already in your life and then being so grateful for everything that you know is coming, that's coming your way and being in that gratitude practice because otherwise you can just, you can get caught in the, it's not happening. It's not happening. It's not happening.
Fallon: Yes. And that's when I feel like you need to move your body. Cause it's like, when you feel stuck or you're in this loop of like, what isn't occurring or when is it going to happen? It's like, that's when you've got to get up and move the energy. That's why I love embodiment work so much. And it's just, a couple minutes and you'll be surprised.
Fallon: I think I did like six minutes the other day, like two songs. And afterwards I was like, Oh man, why don't I do this all the time? But we fight against what's going to make us feel better sometimes,
Fallon: you know? But yeah, but when you're in those loops, [00:13:00] like move your body, move the energy and then tap in, it'll be easy to tap into the gratitude for what's coming as well as what's here, but it's a lot easier once you've moved through what feels like it's just ruminating around.
Fallon: Like,
Fallon: let that move out of you and then accessing the gratitude and the excitement and, of the unknown and what's here, what, like, what's, what's already here and then what's coming is just. It feels more authentic. It doesn't feel like you're working to access it. It's just more available to you and your body.
Abby: Exactly. And when you have that practice of like, when you have all of these practices, but the practice of looking for evidence, it's got this underlying, there's an underlying belief or assumption that you have the power within you to create whatever, you know, whatever that you want, or you know, that you are working in conjunction with your, you know, your co creating with God, with source, with spirit, with your angels, which with whatever you, you know, [00:14:00] believe in.
Abby: And, and I think that's kind of the. The crux of all of it is when you have, and I think we've talked about this before, but when you have kind of your baseline belief is that you are capable, you are powerful, and you can create these things that you want. And because you have this belief. Then you get to look for the evidence, then you know that when shit happens, when life is going to life, you can like weather that storm within yourself and use the tools that you have at your disposal to move it to, you know, to feel it and then move it when you choose to, and then get back into the what you actually want to be feeling, creating,
Abby: etc. Yeah.
Abby: Because even with what you said about the initiation, it's like you could take if you didn't have that underlying belief that like things are going to be working for you or things are working in your favor for your highest good or that like you're powerful and that you're capable, then [00:15:00] you can't see that.
Abby: You can't see bad things as an initiation. You're just going to see bad things as something that's coming to take you down.
Fallon: Yes. Yes. I have two things to say about this, both very different. Um, the first one I just forgot, but the second is I was reading the, the tick tock book, um, manic pixie girl. I don't know if you guys have read it, uh, but it's pretty good. Um, but there's a part in it that he's talking about One of the characters dies and goes to God and he's talking about, well, did you, did you really like, and he was like, do you think you're going to heaven or hell?
Fallon: It's like his angel that's taking him and he goes, well, I don't, I don't know. I mean, I think I'm going to heaven and the angel said, well, most people always get it wrong. And the point of it was, and the hell was actually earth. So just like, let me put that out there. Hell was like going back to earth, which isn't, you know, I don't think too bad. But the point was like, he was like, did you really soak up all of life? And he [00:16:00] was like, well, I don't know. I got like, part of it is like the tarot deck. So he ended up having to be hung upside down for three days by his foot. So the hanged man, and he was like, that was really awful. I didn't enjoy that at all.
Fallon: He was like, but, but what an interesting experience. Like how often does that actually happen? What a cool, like, can you look, because that's the way that God looks at everything and all experiences is like, oh, well, this is interesting. Like, what are we going to do with this? How can I just sink into this?
Fallon: And that was, and I really loved that because it's like, we're always trying to avoid certain feelings. And I don't think it's beneficial to camp out on them, you know, by any means. Um, because obviously, if you're looking for the evidence that everything is working out for your highest good, that just feels better. Then being like, well, everything is just working against me. Like that's not, that's not conducive for a happy, peaceful, satisfactory life. But also when we are in the throes of it, how much can we, versus trying to run out of it, how much can we say, okay, well, this is where I'm at. I'm initiated or I'm being sharpened or I'm being [00:17:00] shut shutting, right?
Fallon: There's a lot of shutting that hap that happens, but still being able to see the evidence of. Whatever it is, you know, like the evidence of not only what you want, but also what you've created. Because I think most of us, we're all very blessed, you know, like people that probably listen to this podcast, you and I, yes, we've had our hardships.
Fallon: Like, yes, all of that. And usually we always end up getting what we want. we, most of us, I can say pretty, pretty good confidence. And I say this with my clients to look back at your life. How often did you end up getting what you wanted? And they're like, almost always so in some form or another, right? It's like, okay, so let's use that
Fallon: because it did. So then at the end of the day, you're still going to end up getting what you want. It's just we're on the journey and it's like the roller coaster episode we did.
Abby: Mm hmm.
Fallon: You know, like how much fun can we make this? How much can we put our hands up and trust that we're gonna come to the stop that we need for the rest stop and the receiving stop and then [00:18:00] go back out on the roller coaster and
Abby: Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I had a thought that came up when you were talking and now I need to come back to it.
Fallon: must be the energy. Well, we're going into new moon tomorrow and I think an eclipse, new moon eclipse. Yeah. A solar
Abby: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So many just like memes about just being in between two eclipses right now.
Fallon: Yeah. And all my clients are like, somebody texted me last night. What the F is going on? I was like, listen, we're a lot of us are in it. So I think it's really appropriate that we're doing this episode because I think a lot of people do feel sticky right now. Kind of feel like I know I have felt that like, gosh, it kind of feels like I'm being pulled backwards, but I don't really know what's happening, but it's like, I'm trying to really just deeply surrender and trust, but also show up in the action of what I know I need to do.
Abby: I also wanted to say, because you just said, I feel like I'm being pulled backwards. It reminds me of when I first made my, [00:19:00] um, the magic of intention jewelry and the arrow and how, you know, with the arrow, it's like, sometimes you feel like you're getting pulled back and it's only so that you can be just shot forward so much faster
Fallon: Yeah. And I
Fallon: always tell my client, I'm Yeah, it's funny 'cause you know, we don't always tell ourselves what we tell our clients like we it, it's always a little bit more delayed, I think when it's us. And it's something I always tell my clients, you can't go backwards. You can only go deeper. So I've been saying that to myself of like, okay, well if I can only go deeper, then what am I deepening into? You know? And the evidence board is a really great way to deepen your belief, your faith. And, and the fun of it, because at the end of the day, like, life is not always supposed to be heavy and serious. I do think we're supposed to just dance more and be light and, and not to say there's not heavy things and real survival things happening and not to be airy fairy.
Fallon: Although we do like that here as well, you know, but we're also realists and the things that we don't have [00:20:00] to make heavy don't. There's so many things I see, like recently I was talking to a client, I said, you are adding to your own overwhelm. You are literally choosing to add to your own overwhelm. And I don't think she liked that very much, but you know, that's what we do, we gotta bring the truth, right?
Fallon: And I mean, we do it to each other, we ask, we kick each other's ass when we need to. So it's like, the things that you don't have to make heavy, don't. Don't add to your own overwhelm if you don't have to. And then have fun, like, creating this evidence board. I would love to, like, see people's lists or the way that they do it.
Fallon: I think that would be so fun to see the way that our listeners create that.
Abby: Yeah. No, I do too. I would too. And, and the one thing I was going to say as you were talking that I remembered is that, you know, we can use our, uh, like we can make an evidence board of everything shitty that's happening to us. And we can look for all of that evidence all day long. Like you're saying, we can add to our own overwhelm.
Abby: You can also use your powers for good. You can also use those powers to make yourself [00:21:00] like, see the actual truth that like, yes, you can create a bunch of shit or you can create a bunch of magic. And so use your powers to like create the things that you actually want to be creating, that you actually want to be experiencing in your life.
Abby: And the thing that I thought when you were like, you can't go backwards, you only go deeper. And it reminded me of that thing you sent me on Instagram the other day, where it's, you know, when you think you're going around in circles, but really you're circling up and up and up like a spiral. But what I thought when you said that, it makes me feel like a corkscrew.
Abby: You're corkscrewing deeper and deeper down.
Abby: And I kind of like, kind of like that too.
Fallon: Yeah. Deeper roots.
Abby: Yeah.
Fallon: I love that.
Abby: So it feels like you're going around and around, but actually you're just continuing to go deeper and deeper into this.
Fallon: Yeah, I love that so much.
Abby: It feels very, um, very potent for you.
Fallon: Yes, it does. Cause that's, you know, I definitely live on the deeper side of life. So I have a deep end, you know, or [00:22:00] mastermind.
Abby: Exactly.
Fallon: And the, and the thing is too, you know, I'll be talking about the magic. It is so much more fun to live in the magic. And I'm an emotional being. Trust me, y'all. Like, I can get dark.
Fallon: I can go real dark. People don't know, might not see, like, realize that about me, but I can get dark and I can get, like, swampy or sad or, like, whatever. But at the end of the day, I always lean into the magic. And it, life really can feel like magic. I wish more people could feel that. And it really, for me, it always happens through Mother Nature. You know, it's like, I really believe that Spirit uses Mother Nature around us and, you know, in conjunction to Mother Nature also does it herself, just to like, give us, just remember that even the wind on your face, and I know we've said this before, but the birds flying by, just whatever it is, there's so much magic, but you've gotta look for the evidence of it, and then when you see it, log it.
Fallon: And part of the way I know that you and I have logged it before is we send it to each other a lot.
Abby: I know. And now I'm like, I'm going to put that in my notes app now too,
Fallon: Yeah, so if, if you don't [00:23:00] already send the magic to a friend, start sending it to a friend and then add it to your evidence board, or it's in your notes app, Canva, or like something that you're, if you like to journal out, just don't forget, just make sure you add it always.
Fallon: Like, it's like a running list of amazing evidence.
Abby: And going back to our first episode of like, starting to own your gifts, being in your hot shit energy, all of that, like when somebody tells you something about yourself that confirms something that maybe you don't know or you take for granted, like that's also evidence of your own power of the things that make you unique that, you know, that show you what your unique gifts are.
Abby: Log that too. Log that stuff. Because it's always great to then be able to look back and be like, Oh, somebody said this really nice thing about me. And then you can go back and you can relive that moment.
Fallon: Yeah, especially if you're an entrepreneur, or I guess it doesn't even actually, but I mean, kind of, it's helpful because you don't get a lot of people that see you, you know, whereas [00:24:00] like in corporate world, you might have a good boss or other coworkers that's like, man, you're doing amazing. But if you're an entrepreneur and your clients are, you know, shouting you out, or you've got people that are like this changed my life.
Abby: Screenshot that shit.
Fallon: Hashtags, that shit. Yeah.
Abby: my French screenshot it, look at it, remember it like,
Abby: cause that is what in your phone so that you can go back and remember the times that you're feeling like, man, am I, am I doing this? Like, I'm putting all my, you know, all my hard work and my heart in this business. Yes, it's like for a reason. Those screenshots can help you remember, like, the purpose behind what you're doing.
Abby: And the impact that you're trying to create, you know, cause that can, that can be outside of whether, you know, whether you're an entrepreneur, you have a business, if you work for somebody else. If you're a mom, if you're whatever you're doing, you know, I think everybody has a deep rooted, uh, desire to make some sort of an impact on people.
Abby: And so whenever you get [00:25:00] evidence that you are making the kind of impact that you want to be making, screenshot that shit,
Abby: write it down,
Fallon: yes.
Abby: log it,
Fallon: Yes.
Abby: create your evidence folder.
Fallon: Yes. Very powerful.
Abby: Yes. And then share it with us. Okay. So we're getting nearest nearish the end of this episode, and we have some very exciting news to talk about.
Fallon: Yes. Fallon, do you want to share? Yes. Yes. I'll Share we're doing our, oh, Lord, I'm going to butcher the name. You're going to sign, the sign of your sign hour.
Fallon: Yes. The Sign Year Sign Hour on Thursday, October 17th. Um, we are doing it at 7 p. m. Central, 8 p. m. Eastern. correct.
Fallon: Yes. So if you're wanting to join us. For a hangout hour where we just come in and hang out with us and talk and connect. And
Abby: Yeah. You can come ask questions. It's going to be a [00:26:00] full moon. We're probably going to do some journaling, maybe some card polls. We haven't totally, I mean, we've been talking it through, but we're going to have a sign of page. We will, you know, put the link in here and. Send it out in the emails and put it on the socials.
Abby: So you'll see it. So if you want to come hang out with us, if you want to dive a little bit deeper, ask us some questions, want us to riff on something, or just talk about all of the stuff that we talked about on the pod, then please come join us. We would love to see your beautiful faces.
Fallon: yes, this is our little season two rap.
Abby: Yes. Wrap party.
Fallon: Yes. We're at party. We're excited. Um, cause there's a lot of you that listen all around the world. And so you might have to be waking up in an odd hour if you want to come hang out with us, but we would love to welcome you in.
Abby: We would love it.
Fallon: So check the link in the show notes for that to sign up so you can make sure you get all the details to join the call.
Abby: do we want to mention anything else[00:27:00]
Fallon: We can.
Abby: or should we, should we say that we have some other news to share, but you're going to have to join. You're going to have to sign up for the, uh, for the call for the sign your sign hour to learn more about it. So we're going to be very mysterious.
Fallon: Yeah. So we've got something fun coming up. Um, that will help you stay in the magic
Fallon: that we're talking about and your hot shit energy and all of that. Um, so come join us and watch our pages, watch our socials for details at the, you know, in the next couple of weeks, you'll see more details about that as well.
Abby: Mm hmm. And until next season.
Fallon: We love you. Thank you for hanging with us. Thank you for sharing these episodes. Thank you for your feedback, our texts, our messages and
Abby: love it.
Fallon: Yeah, your evidence, your evidence
Abby: Yes. Yes. Send us your evidence. We want to tag you, celebrate you, share you, or send it to us privately if you don't want us to tag any of it, but we'd love to hear, we'd love to hear about it.
Fallon: Yes. And we'll see you next time and we'll see you October 17th.
Abby: Yep. We'll see you [00:28:00] October 17th. We love you.

Receipts! Proof! Timeline!
Broadcast by