I like to Move it MOVE IT: Moving Heavy Energy + Amplifying the Light

Abby: [00:00:00] My nose won't stop running.
Fallon: It It's so dumb.
Abby: uh, Some comedy gold right there.
Fallon: right? Goal. Why am I not on a standup stage? My nose is running. You better go catch it. Oh [00:01:00] goodness.
Abby: That does feel like a good place to start the episode though.
Fallon: It does. Yes,
Abby: Cause you know, levity, great way to move the energy
Fallon: It really is. It really is.
Abby: uh, talking with a friend. Yes. One of the best ways to move the energy.
Fallon: I feel like we've started
Abby: I know. Here we are.
Here we
Fallon: moving our own energy. Abby and I have been. I don't know in it this week. I think a lot of people have felt it. This is the second week of March, is that correct? Some ish.
Abby: Today is St. Patrick's Day
Fallon: Today is St. Patrick's Day
Abby: Not our normal recording day, but here we are.
Fallon: showing up.
Abby: showing up and excited to be here.
Fallon: Making silly jokes before we get on. Um, but we've both been experiencing and people we know and just like a weird, weak, heavy
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: And like for me, I've had pretty specific reasons on why it's felt heavy, but [00:02:00] I, I've also had weeks in my life or days in my life where I'm like, why does life just feel heavy?
I don't have any reason for it too. But the energy's just really palpable and present.
And, um, I know that you've been feeling the same way, but for your own
Abby: Yeah.
Fallon: reasons.
Abby: own reasons. Yes. Yeah. And I don't know, I feel like some of it is the stuff that we. , you know, just as human beings go through and just everyday things that can feel heavy and maybe, you know, if you stew in the heaviness, then it can last a little bit longer. Then maybe you want it to, but
Fallon: Yeah,
Abby: we're, that's why we're here today,
to talk
about how we, how we move it, how we amplify it when it feels really.
Fallon: Yes,
Abby: it when it's feeling heavy. Kind of move it out of our bodies,
Fallon: yes.
Abby: spheres.
Fallon: And recognizing that when it's a nervous system [00:03:00] kind of addiction, and I don't, I use that, I don't mean to use that word in like a, a
Abby: a light way.
Fallon: Yeah. But it's like we really are, there's, there's, you know, as we know, and most of you listening, no. We have these programs that our bodies know. and it is the only way that it knows until we teach it something different, that we're safe in a different state, a different feeling.
So it's also identifying of like, okay, I'm in a heaviness because I'm also in a pattern or I'm in a heaviness because life just feels like a lot right now and. You know, Abby and I are not ones to tell you to like pivot too quickly to the positive, but also something I tell my clients a lot is like, we're not gonna set camp up in.
The thick of the shit, right? Like, we're gonna let this shit be our fertilizer, but we're not gonna like set up a whole camp and start to build a community in this heaviness, just because we're letting ourselves feel it. We're also gonna, eventually, we're gonna acknowledge it, we're gonna see it [00:04:00] like, I see you, I feel you, and then we're gonna start to move that stuff through our body.
Abby: Exactly, and as you were talking, all I could picture was um, SCHs Creek, the show, shits Creek. I was waiting for you to be like, and we're not just setting up camp here in SCHs Creek and I was about to be like, bud. That would be great
Fallon: Not a bad place to go
Abby: would be really fun. But no, we're not doing that today. Ah. So with that, I don't know.
I'm feeling like I kinda wanted to take a breath and just, ah,
Fallon: Yeah, it's funny, I, I tell Nova, I'll be like, take a, take a breath with me. And she's, you know, always like, Ugh, mom's so embarrassing. Like, she's already saying that. And then I'll be like, say, make the sound out of your mouth. Like, ugh. She's like, mom, I just, it's really embarrassing when you ask me to do that
And I'm like, is it.
Abby: why?
Fallon: Yeah, cuz it's funny cuz I [00:05:00] know when I've first done it, like in yoga or something, you know, all these years cuz it's the signal to the nervous system of like, ooh, we're we're coming to this moment, we're gonna relax, right? We're safe, we're grounded. And I know in front of other adults, I have felt kind of funny doing it, but I never thought my daughter would be like, mom, that's embarrassing It's just so if you're feeling kind of funny.
Abby: yeah. When you're starting her, starting her young, knowing that it is not embarrassing.
Fallon: Yeah, it's
Abby: Yeah, no, it's whatever your body needs.
Fallon: Yeah, and it's a, you know, and part of this work that we're talking about right now, moving the heaviness is actually going into the spaces that feel a little awkward or a lot awkward,
feel uncomfortable, feel like, oh my gosh, I would never want anyone to see me move at, like, I would never want anyone to know that I do this. but it's, it's doing it afraid, [00:06:00] doing it uncomfortable, because on the other side is really the things that you're wanting to outrun, the feelings that you're wanting to outrun. You cannot outrun them. You can only move through them. And so this will be kind of that, that alleviation of the heaviness that you're feeling.
But if you've never done like embodiment work or like the, the tools that Abby and I are gonna be sharing with you, if you've never done it, you're gonna feel weird and awkward and silly and like, I would never want anyone to see this.
Abby: Mm-hmm. . And you know what? They don't have to, no one has to see you.
Fallon: No, nobody's asking you to record this.
Abby: no.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: need anyone to see me doing my weird dance moves like in front of the mirror and just feeling really, really feeling myself, feeling great about it. We don't need to, you know, other people like to put that on the internet.
We don't like to put, I don't like to put that on the internet for me.
Fallon: I, and, and you'll see in my, on my social media if you're not already following me,[00:07:00]
I do, there's embodiment work that I do, I put out there, but I actually just recently shared. An experience of trying to do, like, share that, I think it was two years ago now. Yeah, it had to have been, cause I'm like thinking how long I've been in this house and I, it was so just, I was like, I can't do this.
I can't put my embodiment work in my stories yet. So I like did like the robot, you know, something that just felt authentic to me in the moment. But, and then, you know, two years later it's very natural for me to, to drop into my feminine.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: Movement. I mean, even masculine, like just energetic movement. We're moving energy and share.
But, but yes, there it's, you know, you don't have to post it but this will serve you.
Abby: and so starting with that, do we wanna start with our favorite ways to. Move the more heavy energy, or do we wanna start with how we amplify
Fallon: I think I like to start [00:08:00] with moving the heavy cuz I, it's harder for me to get into the amplification. Yeah. So I think like they can utilize both, you guys can utilize both you
Abby: Yeah,
of course.
Fallon: wherever you're at. But yeah, like let's go into the moving the heavy cuz that's the releasing first before we're receiving.
Abby: Okay. So Fallon, what is your favorite way or favorite
Fallon: gosh. You know?
Abby: heavy energy?
Fallon: I mean there's episodes that you've probably heard this already on, but, but actual like dance. Um, but not dance where I'm thinking it's dance where I'm feeling and letting my body
Abby: Just move.
Fallon: move. Yeah. And sometimes it looks, most times it looks weird and crazy. Because I'm not necessarily a trained dancer, but like literally letting my body move, um, you know, working out.
I'll [00:09:00] also set the intention of like, I'm moving energy here, but that's different than the actual letting the emotions lead my body through the movement. I mean, I here, and also I wanna tell you too, like as I'm sharing with you all my favorite ways, so often, I don't wanna do them. they're my favorite because they work, but they're not necessarily my favorite because they feel good in the moment of me doing them.
Abby: Yeah. And often the things that we, the things that are the best, , the best for us and work the best are the ones we're like, eh, I kinda wanna avoid doing that today, cuz maybe you don't really wanna look at all of that. You're not ready to look at all of it quite yet. But yeah. . If you do, you'll be like, God, that feels so much better.
I feel so much better.
Fallon: And it's not that bad. It's the thoughts before going into the doing that we make more, we make the situation potentially more miserable, cuz we're like, like I do that with my cold bass. I'm [00:10:00] just like, oh gosh, it's gonna be cold. And I'm like, or I could just stop thinking about it, set my timer for 10 minutes and get in
and then it's done. And then I know I'm gonna feel better.
Abby: and telling yourself. , you know, before any of these things. God, I'm gonna feel so good after this, or this is gonna make me feel so good. Instead of being like, Ugh, I really don't wanna do it. I really don't wanna do it. And just building it up in your head. But you know,
Fallon: We
Abby: all do it.
Fallon: yeah. And the thing that I do like about moving my body intuitively through. Music. And one thing I'll tell you is I will throw on a playlist on Spotify, but I will ask my angels and spirit and God to direct the playlist. So it's always delightfully surprising when I'm like, oh my God, this song is perfect.
How? I'm like, well, of course. So, you know, you can always ask for your playlist to be, you know, curated for you, especially if you're using like the radio feature. But anyways, what I love about it too, When you're dropping [00:11:00] into your body, you can't live in your head. You can't live in the thought space that feels heavy.
That's like maybe looping the negative that happened from the day or looping where you messed up or looping where you're not, where you are not yet in your life. Like whatever's looping, you drop into your body. And then what I find is I get intuitive messages. Unlike this is where that pattern's coming from.
This is what needs to be loved. This is how you can move through it. Or even like something in my business, like this next offer or something with a client will come through, but the intuition begins to just naturally come up and I'm just start to get hits that I'm like, oh, which I wouldn't have been able to receive as easy when I'm just letting myself sit and stew.
In the loops in my head.
Abby: Yeah,
Fallon: what's one of yours?
Abby: I love that. Um, one of mine is actually, it's very different. So, and this is. Why I kind of wanted us to [00:12:00] both talk separately about what our favorite ones are, because when we, well, I'll talk about mine, but also I wanna ask the listeners too, intuitively, you already know what some of these will be for you.
What feels really, really good when you're feeling good, how you amplify your energy and how you move it when you're not feeling so good. But for me, one of my favorite ways to move the heavy energy. Is doing, um, meditation. And that's, and I wanna preface this by saying that I am not a serious, like a quote unquote, serious meditator in the way that I think a lot of people still think that you need to meditate.
I will sit, like I'm sitting now, I'm sitting, you know, crisscross on the ground or I can lay down. Um, and it's mostly. Closing my eyes and breathing and just breathing really [00:13:00] intentionally through, you know, through my nose, out my nose, through my nose, out my mouth. And picturing, visualizing the place, like you're saying, going to the place in your body where you're like, where am I feeling like tightness happening?
And even like, Maybe hitting on that a little bit, kind of breaking up that stagnant energy where you feel it, or just like putting both hands on it and breathing into it and just visualizing it. Like releasing out and just moving throughout your body and almost like picturing like the circuits, the channels in your body, all just kind of unclogging and.
Breathing, like using that breath to unclog the energy in the body and just letting that visualization take you. And for me, I find it's a very [00:14:00] grounding way to just be with myself. And like you're saying, when you get out of your head and into the body and then it's just, it's like everything kind of just starts to release and you might notice.
Different things happening for you. You might feel really calm and really safe and like all of that is great. Maybe you'll cry. You know, another thing that'll feel really good, which all of us, you know, we do from time to time because crying feels really good and it's a beautiful way to release that heavy energy and one that is very intuitive to our bodies already.
Fallon: Yes,
Abby: But
Fallon: designed that way.
Abby: yeah. , but just finding also that afterward it's like you can, you can feel the heaviness, easing, and you can feel it kind of ebbing away and for me at least, [00:15:00] um, and I find that that is a really, a really easy and doable practice, and it doesn't take forever. . You know, you could sit there for just a couple of minutes and do that in the morning if you're like, Ugh, today feels like a really heavy day.
Or if you're at work, what I used to do when I was at work, if I was like, Ugh, today feels really heavy. Or I just got an email that made my nervous system go wild. Or I have a meeting with my boss later today and I'm worried about it, or you know, I have to give a presentation or something, you know, just go into the bathroom, go into your car, into a quiet space.
do this for a few minutes and then come back and resettle.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: Yeah.
Fallon: And I love that you brought up the point of it doesn't have to be long
because even in like my embodiment work, like yeah, sometimes I'll do it for 20 minutes. Sometimes I'm just give myself one song,
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: one song, three minutes, three to five [00:16:00] minutes of moving. And a lot of times, I mean, it can be fast, it can be slow, it doesn't really matter. But I mean, I also use meditation, but I find that for me sometimes the energy feels so big that meditation. At times can feel like I'm actually just sitting in even more and I'm like, ah. Like I need to get, like, get it out of my body. Um, so, so yeah. I love, I love that you and I are gonna be holding that space of like both work so Well depending on who you are, where you're at in life too. They both are so powerful. And some of the energy work that I'll do sometimes too. So if I'm in the moment, And I'm feeling something big or I keep looping in my head and I'm not like, I don't always have time to, or even desire, want me to put on a song and actually move my body. I'll do something very similar to what you're doing, but I'll wrap that energy wherever it's at my body, like I [00:17:00] always I see you. Right? Always acknowledging. Like you said, where it's at in the body and I see you, and then I'll wrap it and I'll drop it into my womb. Like, take this, fertilize it. Or I'll picture giving it back to God's source universe. Um, but really asking for it e either way to be like held
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: and fertilized as like something new for my growth.
Abby: It's funny because I will do that, but I don't send it like into my womb. I send it down like back into the earth. and like take the energy back into the earth and transmute it into something beautiful and,
Fallon: And remembering yeah, too, that like when we're feeling anxious or nervous, and this is something I often tell my daughter as well, is. Well, we can also access excitement. So if you're really not wanting to feel anxious and you can't seem to shift it, how can you just like do something like Abby just said, but how can you move it to excitement?
Because it's actually just a [00:18:00] spectrum on the energy, right? Like it's the same kind of
Abby: the same feeling in the body. Yeah. It's also the, the name you're giving it. And if you switch the name, the language and you're like, am I really, am I feeling really nervous or am I really excited for this meeting and maybe my heart's speeding faster because I'm excited and because. , there's all of this other stuff happening.
Fallon: Yeah. And I, yeah, like I know for me if I'm feeling nervous, it's cause it feels like something might not work out or like, I don't know what's gonna happen. And so then I'm like, okay, how can I make this? I'm excited to see how this could work out.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: You know, and seeing, and I don't, I don't ever want to betray what's actually true to my body.
So if I can't get into the excitement from the nervousness, I'm not going to force myself. But I'm certainly going to at least see if that's gonna work right now. And then if I, if I'm just like, it's like my body and my nervousness, it's like, no, we're gonna be nervous. I'm like, okay. Then I remember to separate it from leading.
I don't let it lead. [00:19:00] It's not the driver. But I'm gonna be there to nourish it. As I fallen in this moment with the observation and the witnessing that I can hold and the consciousness level that I have, I'm gonna watch it, but I'm not gonna let it drive my car
Abby: Mm-hmm. . Well, and remembering, like we've talked about on other episodes, the, the duality that you can hold. The nervousness and you can, because when I've had situations like that, where I know that I'm nervous. It's like I can feel it and I can do what I just said. I can breathe through it and I can also decide in that moment I'm nervous and also I know that this is gonna go, you know, I can visualize it going the way that I want it to go, or I can like pick the narrative that I'm going to choose to believe in in that moment.
And so you can feel the nervousness and you can also. Feel the power and the confidence at the same time.
Fallon: [00:20:00] Both. Yeah. That's where you get to start to move the energy from. I mean, I don't know if we wanna move into this yet cause I know we've got so many amazing tools of how to, to sit with heavy energy. And really quickly before I move into what I was just gonna say, I had a client this week who is like, How do I go from doing all the time to feeling like this is really uncomfortable.
I don't wanna do it, I don't wanna do it. And I'm like, sure. That of course, because we haven't, we haven't learned, you've learned how to really be in your doing. Doing focused, logical feelings aren't meant to be logical, and there's no hierarchy here. They're here to service as well. And that literally, we took probably 60 seconds to put her hand on her heart where she was feeling kind of an old memory and.
And shame around it. And we just breathed and I kind of just guided her in a little gentle meditation. And then she came out of me and she goes, oh, that wasn't that bad. I felt it. And it felt strong for a minute and then it began to dissipate. [00:21:00] I'm like, that's the gift of doing this work is it does begin to dissipate sooner than you think, and it's not as uncomfortable all the time as you think it's gonna be.
But going back the to the duality, then she was able to move into like, Oh, now this gets to feel good. So she still was ho experiencing like what, you know, the shame that was coming up from a past memory. But then it was like, how can we move this into like amplification and excitement about where you're going, who you're becoming, what's, what you're des like what you want, and like moving that.
Because that's also really fun too, is when you're dreaming. Of this next iteration, or it's something that you'd really, you know, want to experience and or just want to feel better. And you start to feel that in your body and nothing in the room has changed.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: That's so fun. Such fun energy to play in and such magic.[00:22:00]
Abby: Yeah. I love it. Love.
I know that you were gonna go into something else or some other way that you wanted to move the energy before that story,
Fallon: Um,
Abby: or do we wanna hop into how we amplify our energy?
Fallon: yeah, and we'll dance around. We can amplify it, we can do whatever. It's our
Abby: We can amplify it. We
Fallon: It's.
Abby: jump in. and this is where like listeners, where do you intuitively know? How do you move your energy already and how do you amplify it? Because some fun ways that I can think of to amplify it that are not, you know, quote, Spiritual tools, but they are, but they're just also everyday things that you can do. You know, when I was like driving to commuting to work before, um, and I would put on music and dance in the car or sing really loud like [00:23:00] music and using your voice,
Fallon: Mm-hmm.
Abby: I mean, All of that would really amplify my energy for the day.
Like your favorite song comes on and you get to sing to it. And alternatively, when you're moving heavy energy, when a song that ha that really matches your, your heavy energy and you can like rage sing to something like that,
Fallon: yes.
Abby: great way.
Fallon: That is, I mean, everyone can relate to that. We've all turned that song up and we've stayed in the driveway just to let it finish, to be like, I mean, it's like I can hear like r e m, like everybody hurts or like,
Abby: Yeah,
Fallon: It's like that meme with Shania Twain, right? Like whatever time Shania's saying, let's go girls.
And it's like , like kick down the door.
Abby: just like excited. You're ready to go.
Fallon: Um, and it's funny, my little girl right now loves, I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing, , but she loves apple bottom jeans.
Abby: Listen, it's a great song and [00:24:00] it really gets the energy move.
Fallon: And every time she asks me to play it, I'm just like, I don't wanna listen to this again. And then I put it on and she we're jamming in the car.
So yeah, that is such an incredible way to move energy. In fact, I just told a client this week too, cuz she lives with people so she can't really do a rage, like sacred rage. Right. And I was like, well then go to your car and scream or turn on music and like, What show is it? I can't remember the show, but with, um, Christina Applegate and she's like, heavy medling it and she's blah, blah, blah.
Like that's how, that's what it is. And she's moving her anger.
Abby: Exactly.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: And I bring that up too because I think that we can. , when you're in this space and when you're listening to podcasts, there can be so much of like, this is the way to do this thing. And I just always wanna be constantly reminding you that you don't have to do, [00:25:00] you don't have to go by, you know, like a million crystals and like line your rooms with them unless you want to.
You don't have to go and do all of the things that like the spiritual gurus are telling you to do. You can get. , you know, you can light your candle that has your favorite scent and you can sit and you can do your meditation for like two minutes, or you can put on your favorite song and you can dance around or whatever that you already do, or you can go on a walk outside.
And the sunshine, it's like we can do all of these different things that are just part of daily life that are magical, beautiful things. that art already exists and are already available. To everybody listening, there's at least one thing, at least one thing that's available to everybody who's listening right now that you can do that's easy and that you're probably already doing.
And so like just to empower you that like we're sharing some of the things that we [00:26:00] like and it's gonna give you maybe some ideas, but also you can do whatever you want that feels good and really gets you jazzed.
Fallon: Just write the fuck up, Well, and you know something I've always done and I mean, everybody knows this I think, and if you don't, welcome to my bath Taking World. But like I take a lot of bats and yesterday I was, um, in it, I had a and Activate, I got a phone call and it put me right in a nervous system activation and thank God I do what I do.
Cause I was like, Ooh, I am in it. My nervous system is heightened. It's, or maybe it, I don't know what day it was, maybe it was Wednesday. Um, it was Wednesday and. I had to go coach. Well, I didn't have to. I, I get to go. I love coaching my fitness classes here in Pensacola, and I was like, I, I need to ground this energy.
And so for me, a bath that's very [00:27:00] grounding. A bath or walking barefoot outside, which is all like very simple things. Not always easy to get yourself to do. Threw some lavender up, some salt in there. Bath lit a candle and it was only like a 20 minute bath. But I intentionally went into it and not even, like, I wasn't like home.
I'm gonna go take a bath and set my intentions. It was like my intention to take this bath. It's like real quick is cuz I've got a groundless energy before I move and, and go guide humans,
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: you know. . So for me, and then I, again, it's not always this, like now I'm picturing the energy of the bath taking all of the negative down the drain.
Like it's right, like
Abby: sometimes. Sometimes it's that. It doesn't always have to be that.
Fallon: No, but that's what I'm saying. So like this, it's like, and the energy's going down the drain. It's like sometimes it can just be like, you know that that's there and you get to slow down sometimes and make it like what I just said, like the energy's going down the drain and that's really beautiful. Um, full moon releases and stuff like [00:28:00] that, but it doesn't always have to be that detailed to receive the benefits of what you need to move.
Abby: Yes. And sometimes you're just like, God, take it. We are, we're done. We're done with this. We're done with it today.
Fallon: And I will literally picture my hands going up like, this is, this is fucking yours. Cuz guess
Abby: Yeah. You take that.
Fallon: I'm only one human. I'm not holding this. I'm not doing it. Yeah, I do that a lot with, um, my daughter's dad when we're, you know, co-parenting those co-parents off there know what I'm talking about. like, I'm, I'm actually not holding this. I will hold space for change in miracles all day long, but all the other stuff I'm not holding. You got it. Spirit team.
Abby: Yeah, you got this. We're good today.
Fallon: Mm-hmm. , I'm complete with this shit today.
Abby: I feel complete. We're done.
Fallon: And that is also something that you and I are really incredible at and [00:29:00] is we find the levity in the heaviness. Like sometimes you just have to find the funny in, in like this cosmic journey that we're in because human, human is like so fun and exciting and it's also really heavy and hard and there's always something to laugh at.
I mean, always.
Abby: Well, and one of the other, um, one of the other ways that I was, or tools that I was gonna talk about is, um, Tapping and also affirmations and you know, doing rampaging, all of that stuff that you're kind of repeating affirmations and moving energy in that way. And like the affirmations, they can be like, I am smart, I am grateful, I am, whatever.
Or they can be an, they can be like, I'm a fucking badass. I am a queen. I am a fucking doing an amazing job today. These, we can [00:30:00] just, we can be spiritual and we can also be human beings,
Fallon: A hundred percent. Yeah.
Abby: can also have fun with This
Fallon: yes.
Abby: doesn't need to be so fucking serious all the time.
Fallon: No, and I, one thing I do love about tapping is especially the like, even though I'm feeling like a crazy ass bitch who doesn't have her life together today, I still completely and deeply love and accept myself, right? Like starting that is something I love about tapping is it's acknowledging how you feel and it's like, and also I fucking. And then, you know, if you've never tapped before, it's actually, I love that Abby brought this up. Cause then it's moving you from those feelings into I'm actually empowered and I'm abundant and it's moving that, but it's acknowledging first where you're at.
Abby: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Even though I'm a, even though I feel like an ungrateful bitch today, I realize that I have all of these things to be grateful for. I'm grateful for [00:31:00] this and this and this.
Fallon: Yes, but I don't fucking feel it right now.
Abby: I don't feel it at work. We're hoping, we're hoping to get there,
Fallon: like it's not enough. I can have all the things. Yeah. Um, but also I know that like you and I always like, we know that that's not the, the real truth.
Abby: Exactly.
Fallon: Yeah. So you get to have fun. And the rampaging, I do love that swamping, I mean, I actually don't love. But I like
Abby: love the, I love the feeling after,
Fallon: That's what it's
Abby: I love
Fallon: be so transparent. Like I don't love a lot of this. I
do it cause I know it serves
Abby: yeah, I love rampaging because that like really,
Fallon: positive rampaging.
Abby: yes. Positive rampaging.
Fallon: you give us like an example? Because that, this one I do like the positive rampaging. I don't like negative rampaging.
Abby: no, no, I don't either. I actually, I don't think I've ever done a negative rampage. Um, positive rampaging. A good example of that would be [00:32:00] like if you, I mean, you can do it any day. It doesn't have to be, it doesn't have to be like, I am worried about something, so I'm gonna like get myself to a good feeling about it.
It can just be at the beginning of your day or whenever, like I am. I am like just starting with affirmations. I am so, um, I'm so great. I'm so successful. Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening to me. This is like this evidence I just saw come in and, oh my God, this means that this is gonna happen and this is gonna happen, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And now I get to experience this and now I get to experience this and it's just, Continuing. It's like starting with one thing and building on it and building on it and building on it and building on it. Because, and, and the way that you would do this is like, if you're thinking about, you're visualizing kind of what you are stepping into, what you want to embody, what your future self, you know, would be doing, you're like, Holy shit.
I can't believe how fast this happened. Holy [00:33:00] shit, I can't believe that. Like this is happening and this is happening and oh my God, of course it's happening because now this, this is what I get to live and this is what my life is, and now I met this person and now this is what's going on and blah, blah blah.
And it's just like you can feel how the energy kind of builds and builds and builds to a point, and then you just leave that. , leave that rampage. And you don't have to do that for long either. You can do it for like 20 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute. But you're then in, in this feeling of like, I'm, I'm this future version.
Cuz you've just detailed all of the things that are gonna happen and how you're gonna feel when you have experienced, you know, this version of you. And you get to feel all that now. That kind of then moves you into your, the steps you take that day and how you feel and how you interact with everybody, and just the energy that you bring to anything
Fallon: Yeah,
Abby: from there.
Fallon: and I [00:34:00] love this story that I'm gonna share because there was one time, I think it was last year, it had to have been last year, I ramp with a, we made this commitment, we were gonna start rampaging with each other, and I, we did it once,
Abby: And also, you know what, that's fine cuz we get to pick whatever thing works for you.
Fallon: Yeah. And we're always doing our own inner work and stuff, so, but I just like to, it's just, I just love us and I just love that that's so human to be like, okay, we're gonna start to do this thing and then we do it one time and it's great. But my rampage to you, I remember where a specific point, cuz I was like, and then I'm debt free and my business is booming and then I'm, I have all this money and I'm taking over to Disney World and.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: got back from Disney World to like a week and a half ago. So I share that because I remember being in that rampage and I remember being like, oh my God, this, I can feel this, the truth that this is available. And I remember you voice memo leaning back like that was so [00:35:00] pure and like it's like this is all gonna happen.
And so while not probably everything in the rampage hasn't come into my experience, a k a manifested Disney World did, and that for those that know me really closely knows that that was a really big deal for me to take Nova to Disney World. But it was something at one time that was like, I don't know if this is gonna
Abby: I don't know how, I don't know how this is
Fallon: I don't know how this is gonna happen. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make this happen. I don't even see how this is a possibility, but I'm gonna hold it. I'm gonna hold the vision, and I'm not gonna make it mean anything that I haven't done it yet. I'm not gonna have an expectation that it has to happen in three months.
But I'm gonna hold it and then, you know, and then I rampage about it. It was something I often journaled about. I often would future journal about like, thank you so much. Disney World was so much fun and like as if it's already happened. And then there was an opportunity that came into my field to go and I made my first payment before it actually made sense to make the first payment.
So [00:36:00] it was like also the taking that inspired action.
Abby: Mm-hmm. and taking action from the place of the person that you are becoming and stepping into and elevating into that energy versus remaining in, you know, current 3D energy.
Fallon: and when I was in, you know, the current energy of maybe disbelief or like hard on myself and like, or feeling really worried about life or finances or health or like whatever it was,
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: mo, using these tools, especially the weeks that like we've had this week, everything Abby, I just said, that's the work
Abby: Mm.
Fallon: like that. Moving the heavy energy, not necessarily to just totally get rid of it, but also so that it's not leaving in your life.
Abby: Yeah.
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: Yeah, exactly. Um, I know, I was just thinking of one that I really, that I did, um, back when I worked, [00:37:00] back when I worked um, in corporate was when I was trying to get. A new job and I was like, ready for a new job. I wrote down what I wanted the new job to be like. And, and this is, you know, another way you can do it easily is if you kind of make your manifestation list and you're like, this is what I want it to look like, be like, feel like, and.
So the rampage was just like, yeah, um, oh my God, I can't believe I got that job. It was so easy. It happened so quickly and making so much more money. I have such great coworkers. Um, I get to work on all of these amazing projects I have. I get to work, flexible hours, blah, blah, blah, all these different things.
And I just kept like repeating that and then feeling that and being in that energy. And of course I got all of those things and it was great. And of course, you know, , but then it just puts you in the, the energy of already believing that it's happened and that it's possible. And of course it's [00:38:00] possible, and of course it's actually inevitable.
And that's like when you really, when you connect with that certainty, with that inevitability, that's when the magic happens.
Fallon: absolutely. And something, I had a client call yesterday. I mean there was a lot to it, but, but part of what she brought that I wanted to remind her and all of you of too in this process, she was like, I just, I just know that when I'm going into the anxiety or the negative thoughts and I'm, you know, or feeling or I'm feeling these emotions, cuz we were talking about, there was a two-year-old trauma coming up for her in her nervous. And intuitively, I was like, I think it's when you were two. And she was like, it's so weird cuz I keep seeing my two year old self. And I was like, well, there's your validation. But it was like, there was stuff she needed to go into and feel and she's like, yeah, but I just, then I can't get to my dream life.
And I'm like, whoa,
Abby: Yeah. What makes you think that?
Fallon: [00:39:00] Why are we gonna continue to believe that old paradigm?
Right? So it's, it's this reminder too that. You a what? Abby just said that it's all inevitable. It is inevitable. Even if you, not, if when you go into the emotional body, into the feeling what needs to be felt, not betraying any part of yourself by being like, oh, I can't feel that, or stuffing the anger side or stuffing the feelings down some more.
Um, you can't mess up those dreams just because you're not feeling like positive poly. In that moment if, if you are staying to what's true to you with the awareness of am I in a trauma response, a nervous system response, or is this something that like or both needs to be felt with some awareness and move to some awareness?
You're allowed to have days that feel heavy and negative and you are ungrateful, and you're just like, I don't know why I'm ungrateful. I just fucking feel [00:40:00] ungrateful. This is annoying. You're still. You're going, you are responsible for your energy. You're responsible to shift it not before you're ready, but also you're not gonna mess up the job. The partner coming in or the relationship getting better or the money or whatever it is. Like you're still can't mess it up because like we said at the beginning, you're not setting up camp at Shits Creek
Abby: No matter how much you might want to
Fallon: no matter how funny it's, yeah.
Abby: Yes. Um. what was I gonna say? Oh, just I wanted to touch on just a few other things too that are very easy, very basic things like just straight up moving your body going and like literally moving the energy by moving your body and moving your physical energy. And for me, we love taking walks.
We love just walking it out, walking it out.
[00:41:00] And dancing. And dancing. You know, not even like embodiment, dancing, kind of more like Fallon was saying earlier, but just literally putting on, you know, what was it last week I was like, Hey Siri, play. Oh God. Hold on. Just wanna make sure she can't hear
Fallon: My Siri, you just made my Siri go.
Abby: But play, you know, nineties hip hop or early two thousands pop hits when I wanna hear like some NSYNC and dance to some oldies and just, you know,
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: get to the good feelings.
Fallon: Fun.
Abby: I know. Have fun.
Again, like going back to the play, like what feels good?
Fallon: yeah.
Abby: Those are the things Yeah. That are gonna.
Fallon: Personal development. Yeah. Soul work, personal development. It's amazing. And life enhancing and transforming and don't [00:42:00] get so addicted to always needing to be the next iteration of yourself that you forget to have fun with this you right now. Because that's the thing is like life is right.
Abby: who you are now also is perfect.
Fallon: Fucking amazingly perfect and life is right here.
So also you get to have fun and you might still feel the heaviness. Like it might not go away right away with some of this work, but like again, with the duality
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: Whatever, music or just whatever, like the walk. I mean, I don't love walking, but I do love sitting outside and getting the sunshine. But also Abby's like a really fast walker, y'all, so when I would do walks with her , I'm like, I feel like I'm doing a slow jog But, but also like the, like, just, you know, like the, the stuff that has happened for me this week, it's still present right now. It's not leading energy, but it's like there's still some worries happening and having this happening, but also like this. [00:43:00]
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: fun, finding levity, enjoying the moment that's here now.
The iced coffee, enjoying my daughter and getting some sunshine. You might not fully like, there might be some more energy that needs to move, but like also trust the timing of your body. To while acknowledging what is a nervous system trauma response and what is acknowledging that's just here, that's ready, that just needs a little bit more time to move.
Cuz maybe the situation isn't closed out or maybe right. Like sometimes we gotta wait for that. Like things to just kind of come to a close, whether for me it's an on a certain project right now, but it could have been, you know, the energy of an ex-boyfriend or you know, so there's all kinds of things.
Abby: yes. All kinds of things. And just you. Acknowledging and pointing back out that, um, you already know. You already know the things that feel good to you, the things that really [00:44:00] help you move energy, cuz you're, you're already doing it. You, you're already, you know, maybe if you're feeling, really feeling really heavy, you put on a song for.
Sarah Burres. She used to be mine putting on that song and just bawling my eyes out. Hmm.
Fallon: Oh, you you said used to be mine.
Abby: Yeah. She used to be mine. Mm-hmm. , that one reminds me of like, you know, myself, the version of myself from like five, six years ago and it just like makes my heartbreak and I just ball and then I'm like, whew. That was a good, that was a good release.
That was a good one. You.
Fallon: I brought her up this week too to another friend. I was like, you need to listen to some Sarah Burials or Barrs, how would you say it? Yeah,
Abby: Yeah.
Fallon: yeah.
Abby: Yeah. But you know,
Fallon: You do know. and
Abby: you know what does it for?
Fallon: and you're, if there's something you know, and I'm always gonna invite you into the re resist, like the resistance. That's just what I do.
So if there's something [00:45:00] like. You know, breath work I was really resistant to for a long time in which I was like, okay, that means I've gotta do it. Like I'm one that will go into like what I'm resistant to and I'll try it at least once. So maybe try something that you're like, that sounds terrible. I don't wanna take a cold bath or a cold shower.
Abby: I was just saying, thinking that coal plunge. Mm-hmm. Mm.
Fallon: And what if Abby's pretty convinced she's never gonna try it, which is fine. She doesn't need. But what if I, I'm always gonna invite the people in my field, try it once, see what it does for you on the other side. It doesn't mean that you're having, you're making, you're not marrying it. You're not having to do it every day, or even every week, or even every month.
But it might be a tool that you use once in a while because you're like, it's going to help me. You know, like, I don't like to take cold baths or cold plunges. But the way that I feel after, and especially with a lot of like the, the inner, like childhood trauma and stuff, [00:46:00] it helps me really regulate my nervous system on the other side.
But I don't like it. I'm on a hot bath all day long, so
Abby: Well, it will really get you right into your body immediately.
Fallon: Well, it'll get you into your, uh, a nervous system response is what it will do. Like, it'll actually, you'll wanna leave your body cuz it's gonna, you're gonna have that response to it. But then that's the practice of you coming back into your body and regulating yourself. And for me, because of so much of that I've gone through as a child, it mimics that.
Like when life does that to me, it mimics it. So then I'm actually the one that's consciously. Putting myself in it and then bringing myself back into the regulation of it. So that's why I, I love the results of it,
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: but also it's not for everybody and everybody doesn't need it. And I mean, there's a ton of physical benefits to breath work and ice baths and all these other things, but there's also a ton of benefits to turning on Alanis smore set
Abby: Yeah.
Fallon: [00:47:00] So yeah, like Abby said, trust you.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: lean into maybe like dipping your toe somewhere that you don't want to, but also don't betray yourself because some guru told you that this is the way you are, the way life lives through you, not anybo, like at your wisest and highest path. It's always right there within you.
Abby: Yeah. At the end of the day, you know best
Fallon: A hundred percent. And don't betray that for anybody or anything. Not even Abby or I.
Abby: we won't be offended.
Fallon: Heck no. Like I told a friend, I, I made, I made a new friend and, um, before we close something, you know, I could kind, I can see that she's got these really pleasing patterns and in a really beautiful way. Still boundaries and stuff. But I could see she was putting a lot on her plate to kind of take care of me, like, and take me to lunch for my birthday and stuff.
And something I told her, I was like, and this, this is for you, our audience as [00:48:00] well, if you're my friend. You have to take care of you first.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Fallon: You have to trust you first, take care of you first. So
Abby: Agreed.
Fallon: yeah,
Abby: Well, we love you
Fallon: always.
Abby: and let us know what are your favorite practices for amplifying your energy. And you might not call it that because who does What are your favorite practices for? Um, having fun. Getting yourself in a really good mood, just like really pumping up that good mood. And how do you let it all go? How do you let those feelings just move right through?
Fallon: Yeah.
Abby: pillows? Do you scream in the car to the radio? do you take a [00:49:00] pillow and put over your face and scream into it?
Fallon: My daughter does
Abby: All of the above. Same. Same. Great.
Fallon: Great.
Abby: We would love to hear about it.
Tell us.
Fallon: Don't be afraid to be seen by commenting, sharing in your stories, tagging Abby and I take up some space. You're safe to be seen in what works for you, what doesn't work for you, what you want more guidance on, what you wanna share with.
Abby: Mm-hmm. , um, that just reminded me of when I was in basketball, when I was in high school, and they would be like, you know, get big, like get your elbows out and like, you know, as you're trying to playing defenses. Um, but just, yeah, take up space. Get big. Let yourself be seen, heard all of the things.
Fallon: we wanna celebrate your light and your bigness as well,
Abby: Yeah. Yes, we
Fallon: and your mess.
Abby: Mm-hmm. , all parts of you, as we say,
Fallon: mm-hmm . We'll see you [00:50:00] next week.
Abby: We'll see you next week.

I like to Move it MOVE IT: Moving Heavy Energy + Amplifying the Light
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