Hypnosis: A little bit of Science + A little bit of Magic

  📍 Hey everybody. It is Abby Hamble here. I am gonna be doing a solo podcast for you today because of just the way that Fallon and my schedules have lined up. And today I'm gonna be doing a podcast on one of my most favorite, favorite tools. To use in change work and client work and personal development all around, and that is hypnosis.

So as someone who is a huge fan of spiritual principles like love of attraction and manifestation, I am also been as equally interested in the neuroscience. And how our brain works. And more than anything, I love being able to take the best bits of each and combine them into a really powerful tool for change.

Like if you've worked with me before, if you know me, you know that I don't like to waste time on fluff. I know I've sat on this podcast before, like one of my biggest pet peeves is when. Give other people, you know, their routine and they try to make them do that, exactly how they do it and blah, blah, blah.

And like here on this podcast, we are teaching you, hopefully the intention is that you're learning how to trust yourself. You're learning about creating tools and pathways that make things easier for. And just letting things be easier, letting them feel good and feel right to you. So I really love using, like, if you've ever seen my, my bio on, you know, Instagram or Facebook, it says something like taking the best parts of spirituality and science, because that's really what it is.

It's like taking. The steps of manifestation, but like supercharging them with the, um, with the beliefs change work that is in guided hypnosis. And the thing is, is like, I don't wanna spend time on shit that doesn't work. Who does? You know? It's like hard. It's already hard enough to. To do this work. You know, like it's hard enough to change when your brain is literally wired to not change.

I mean, it is wired to change. I'm gonna actually repeat later on. Your brain is meant to change, but let me stop tripping over my words and just get into it. So let's talk about this a. Let's talk about why hypnosis is so cool and why it is so, so effective for habit change, for beliefs, work for change work for personal development, work, for changing the things that we want to change, um, about what we, how we decide to see the world.

So I was drawn to hypnosis because it's this really beautiful mixture of. Evidence-based scientific methods, which I love. Plus it's like this hearty dose of wonder and possibility and magic, which as you know, I also love, love bringing both of those things together because there's still so much about the brain that we do not understand and cannot even fully possibly grasp at this.

I mean, science is advancing. Every day we learn more and more things about how the brain works, and that's exciting to me because there's so much that we can do. There's so much that we can harness within our own bodies. Within our own brains. So let's start off by talking about what we do know, which is we have access to meaning our.

Have access to 42 million bits of information at any given time. Think about that for one second. Can you imagine having to consciously go through each and every piece of those 42 million bits of information? No, of course not. That would be insane. We literally have time for nothing else and not even enough time for just that.

And this is why our brains are so effective at filtering, so effective at filtering all of this information into what it's determined that we need to know based off of, you know, our past history, what we've done up until this point, all the things that it has taken in and categorized. Up until this point that we've done in order to survive.

And I know at times this can be super frustrating when working with clients because it's like, come on brain, I'm just trying to do something different. It's fine. It's not gonna kill me. In fact, I'm trying to make my life better. But the thing is, sorry guys, I have to like take a. I have to take a moment to breathe because I'm pregnant right now and I feel like I'm constantly out of breath.

Okay, so the thing is our brain thinks that the way that we've been doing things up until now is pretty fricking awesome because we're still here, we survived, and that is the brain's number one baseline for. If your life, your brain is like, I am crushing it. Keep it up. Keep this good work up. So what we first need to determine is what filters are currently installed?

What filters is your brain using right now in order to give you this presentation of life, this perception of life that you're currently experie. And is it using what I will call unresourceful filters or is it using resourceful filters? And what I mean by that is, for example, an unresourceful filter might be a thought or a belief that you are a failure.

So, If your filter, if you're filtering for evidence of failure, your unconscious mind might show you and remind you of all the times you failed. And you know what? That sucks. Which you know, if this has happened to you, ah, it leads you to a bunch of negative thoughts. That lead to negative emotions that lead to negative outcomes, and the cycle just continues to repeat itself, and that neural pathway just continues to keep digging itself deeper and deeper in.

But honestly, even more importantly than that, it's going to filter out and therefore not show you the opportunities that would lead you to experience. Even though they are there and even though they exist, but the thing is, your brain is not gonna show them to you. It won't show them because it's filtering that out because it doesn't fit in with the life experience that you expect for yourself.

It doesn't fit into that filter, and therefore your brain is like, Nope, not useful info. Oppositely. If you have resourceful filters, like a baseline belief that life works out for you and that no matter what happens, you can figure it out, then your unconscious mind is gonna filter out and therefore not show you any information or circumstances that does not support that.

It's only gonna show you opportunities to succeed. Therefore approving and reinforcing the belief that everything works out for you. That's why it can feel like sometimes you see people who just like everything does seem to work out for them. They're just fucking walking around, walking on sunshine, expecting everything to go their way because they believe that it does, and therefore it does, because their brain only shows them situations in which life is gonna work out for.

So, yeah, so think about that for a second. Let that sink in. And this is why it's so important that we become aware of the filters, the belief systems, the mindset, the, uh, unconscious patterns that we have currently wired into our brains. Now, here is the good news. Here is another thing that we know. Our brain always has the ability to evolve and change, and that is what's known as neuroplasticity, which just means that when you do something new, when you think something new, when you have a new experience, new neural pathway.

Are formed around these things. So when you start thinking new, new beliefs, having new thoughts, tying them to experiences, engaging in new activities, every time you do one of those things, a specific pathway of neurons fires up. And with repetition, this pathway is strengthened. So here's the thing. Many of the neural pathways for living life are set by the age of five, which is pretty crazy because we're, we are taking a lot of this information in, we are taking and making meanings from our experiences from the ages of, you know, even pre-birth through five years old.

A lot of that, you know, pre-verbal and. Then we're kind of moving on autopilot for many things because like I said in the beginning, you ain't got time to sort through 42 million bits of information. So your brain is trying to do you a solid, it's trying to just filter all of that for you so that you could focus on whatever you need to consciously focus on.

But if you think about it, that means 95 to 97% of our daily actions, our beliefs, everything that we're. 95% is being controlled by our subconscious mind, which basically means that your adult life is being run by a five-year-old child. Feels a little bit crazy, right? It's like, it's like we are, you know, we are more nuanced than a computer system, but you would think that we would have a way to.

You know, it's like how you think of a computer system every time, like the Mac os the operating system, you get like a new operating system every frigging, you know, three to six months. This is what we're talking about here. It's like, okay, you know, the things that were from the original Mac Os, like that was pretty buggy.

It moves really slow. Yes, it still works, but it's not like working amazingly. And so, This is what I think of when I think of hypnosis. It's like we're just installing the, the operating system of our choosing into our brains so that we can actually be having the experience, we can actually instill the filters that we wanna be living by so we can have the experience that we wanna have.

Right? So back to the, your body is being run by a five year old or your actions in your life. This is where. It can feel really difficult to change our beliefs about something or our experience with something because we have these existing neural pathways that are just like paved, well paved roads just paved right in, and it's so easy to just continue walking down them because your brain just goes, it's associating things all the.

So associates memories with feelings with other like experiences that feel the same way as that one experience did. So then those things are categorized together. So of course, it's like before you even have a chance to think about something being one way, your brain is already like six sets of steps ahead of you thinking thoughts and triggering, you know, feelings in your body, and then triggering actions and again, This is why it is so important to start to become aware of the thoughts that we're having, which I know we've talked about on here.

Start to become aware of the story that we're telling ourselves, the narrative of who we are and what is possible for us. But you know, in the beginning when you're trying to build these new pathways, we'll say manually, it can feel like you're walking through a jungle with a machete. Trying to cut your way through.

It can take some time and effort to do that. Concentrated beliefs work. When you're in the midst of your daily life and you have a job and you have kids and you've got all this shit going on, and you're like, when am I supposed to take the time to consciously think about my thoughts and sit down and do all these things?

Like that would That sounds cool for other people. Right. So this is where, because like I said in the beginning, I love to make things easy for people. I want it to be as easy as possible for you to have the life that you wanna have. And this is where hypnosis really comes into play because what it does is it works with you to change your beliefs at the subconscious level.

So let's talk about how this happens. I gotta take some more deep breaths, guys. Stay with me. So let's start with our memories. The beautiful thing about memory is that it's malleable, meaning it's changeable. Every time that we recall a memory, we change it in some way, and this is the basis for the notion we talk about a lot.

On here on I Sell the Sign, which is rewriting your narrative, rewriting the story of who you believe yourself to. So in hypnosis, what we can do, what I as a hypnotist, a hypnotherapist can do is take you back to a specific memory, a specific point in time, a specific event that occurred. Maybe one that feels really important in creating the basis for the most important beliefs that you have about yourself or about the world, or even about other.

And we can lift that out. We can lift it up and look at it. And in doing so, we can choose to change the emotional undercurrent of the memory. And in doing that, change how you feel about that memory forever. Because that's the thing about memory. We used to think and believe up until very recently, that memory was static and never changing.

And that every time that we recalled something, it was the same as the first time we remembered it, but we know now that this, that this sense isn't true because it's like you think about something when you're feeling, when you're feeling good, you recall that memory maybe with a different light on it.

But if you're feeling bad and you recall that memory, it might look a little bit differently because our memories are influenced by our thoughts and our emotions in the present. So, like I said, it leads us to recall them differently sometimes maybe through rose colored glasses and sometimes through a darker lens.

And knowing this, we hypnotists and hypnotherapist can use this to our, in your advantage because by changing the emotional undercurrent of your memories and beliefs, we change the meaning that your brain takes from it. And we change how your brain remembers that particular memory. And in turn, every memory or corresponding belief that is tied to that first memory gets altered as well.

Pretty fricking neat, right? I know. And this is what's important to remember about the brain, especially for those of you who might be skeptical, that people can change, and more importantly, that you can change. Here's what you need to remember. You can change your brain. This has already been proven by countless studies, and you can change any memory that currently exists within your brain, meaning you can.

Any belief that you currently hold? Any belief system, any habit that you wanna let go of, any fear, any phobia, any addiction, all of these can be helped, can be changed through hypnosis. Now I'm primarily how I am interested in using hypnosis with clients. Is turning on these resourceful filters, instilling and encoding new filters of their own, choosing new beliefs, new ways of being, new ways of doing things, new ways of thinking about things, encoding and instilling these into my client's subconscious mind so that it's not so freaking hard.

To change behaviors and habits and patterns and beliefs that have become so ingrained within their psyches. I want you to be able to use all of your brain's magical powers because it is magical. I want you to be able to use all of that magic for good and for your good for the rest of your life.

Starting today, starting now. I want you to feel. A confident, sexy beast. When you go speak in public or host your first event or go post on social media, I want you to look at your body in the mirror tomorrow and call yourself beautiful and believe it. I want you to be able to kick back on your flight to London with a good book and forget about the crippling anxiety you used to have.

I want you to feel suspicious of anyone who tells you that money is the root of all. Because you know now that money is a resource that allows you to be more of who you already are. All of these huge, powerful belief system shifts have happened using hypnosis. And it's not only useful in coaching and change work, but it can also be used to aid in weight loss and physical body healing while giving birth.

I mean, gosh, there are stories of women who were allergic to, um, anesthesia. Going under hypnosis and literally singing through their childbirth because they didn't feel the pain, um, can be used for drug addiction, alcohol, smoking. It's truly, truly that powerful. Okay. You get it. I am obsessed and I want you to also be obsessed, or at least at the very least, curious, and I wanna leave you with.

I want you to imagine what it would be like getting up in the morning and feeling positive about your day, genuinely excited about your life, making your coffee with a smile on your face. Looking forward to everything. The day might bring all of the blessings that you have to look forward to because you've encode.

A core belief within you that everything is always working out in your favor for your good imagine. Imagine what that might feel like.

Oh man. So if you are. To learn more about hypnosis, you can always reach out to me on Instagram at at abby Hamble, or shoot me an email@helloabbyhamble.com. And for our listeners, because we love you so much, I wanna give you a code to book your first hypnosis or hypnotherapy session. For 33 off, and you can find that code in the show notes, and you can find me on Instagram and Facebook, and you can find Fallon at at fallon underscore J on Instagram and Fallon J on Facebook.

I hope you love today's episode. I hope you learn some things. I hope your curiosity was peaked, but most importantly, I hope you leave today knowing that you. And you have the ability to change how you are experiencing life right now. And it doesn't have to be as hard as it can seem sometimes. It really doesn't.

So I am an open book. If you just wanna come and chat about hypnosis with me or ask me whatever questions you want, shoot 'em my way, I would be so happy to talk to you about it. Um, Because like we said, like we always say in this podcast, all parts of you are welcome here. You know, and we're ne we're leaving none of you behind.

And we want you to be able to experience your life exactly how you want to be. Experience it, experiencing it. We want you to be able to love every bit of it and not have anything in your. Telling you that it's not for you. That what you want isn't for you because it is everything that you want is for you and we just wanna help you get it and have it and keep it and experience all of it because that is what life is for.

It's meant for living fully. Okay? I'm gonna 📍 leave you with that. We love you. And we will talk to you soon, and I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day.

Hypnosis: A little bit of Science + A little bit of Magic
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