How the Universe Shows Up (When Everything is Falling Apart)

When it feels like it’s all falling apart, the Universe swoops in and supports you in ways you may not have considered yet.

Are you just ‘IN IT’? Or have you felt like your week, month, or year just keeps delivering a bunch of hardships, frustrations, and you can’t seem to figure out why?

Things falling apart is the very sign you need that everything is working out for you.

In this episode Abby + Fallon share their own personal journey with life crumbling and how the Universe was *actually* supporting them, by getting them to see their blind spots.
 So, if there’s a crumbling happening, it isn’t because life is going wrong, it’s absolutely because Life is trying to serve you with the good stuff, but making sure you’re fertilized by all the sh!t in the process.

Join us as we explore the perspective shifts, as well as the raw emotions of what falling apart, losing people, things, jobs, or health insurance can really be gifting you with.
 Don’t forget to rate, review, or comment on the show, and as always you’re welcome to DM Abby or Fallon with your personal experience, as we love holding space for our dear listeners!

We love you!

Abby + Fallon

Abby - 
Fallon - 
How the Universe Shows Up (When Everything is Falling Apart)
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