Asking for a Sign…and then, a signy-er sign

Abby: Oh, where to even begin?


Fallon Jaye: to begin on
the sign of your sign.

Abby: And the sign of your sign,
just on the whole reason that we

named the podcast, I saw the sign
, which is so fitting for us both.


. Yes.

So fitting since we are constantly seeing
signs, not only for ourselves before each

other, which I think is really, really

Fallon Jaye: beautiful, like
I saw the sign today for you.

So we text each other back the
signs that we see for each other.

And so we're gonna talk today about.

The sign of your sign, meaning , sometimes
we ask for a sign and then it's not a

good enough sign, and so then we ask for
more and more signs as well as the way in

which we can cultivate deeper self-trust.

In the use of signs and the
way that the universe, God

source, communicates with us.

Is that fair to say, Abby?

Abby: Yeah.

Fallon Jaye: We're kind
of being silly right now.


Abby: Well, I think it's, I think it's
also relevant to even start before

that, like the reason that we even.

ask for a sign in the first place.

And I think, I think people, at least
for me, I know, like I first started

really hearing about signs outside
of just, I don't know, kind of in

pop culture was, um, reading Gabby
Bernstein, the Universe has your back

and she's like, tells you how you can
or describes and teaches you how you

can ask for a sign if there is something
that you really want confirmation on.

if you wanna know that
you're on the right path.

Um, because I think so often we,
you know, you can, you, when you're

starting to trust yourself and when
you're starting to hear and listen to

the voice of your own intuition, it's
really hard to hear it in the beginning.

Um, over the voice of all the things
that you think you should be doing

Fallon Jaye: right, and the things
that are more full of logic and

of tangible evidence versus.

The ether in the universe and mm-hmm.

the way that, that our angels
even communicate with us.

And so I know for me, I signs, beca became
big in my field when I was very young.

, but I didn't really understand
why they were happening.

Um, you know, and animals, and I
would start to look when I was young,

like young, like early twenties,
um, the meaning of like an owl.

Okay, an owl.

I, I, I could feel that
it meant something.


, you know, and so I would begin to
start using, you know, the internet.

I don't know what age this
was specifically, and just

to see what, what it meant.

And then like you.

I can't remember what I saw, but I
was watching somebody many years ago,

uh, probably on YouTube who was like,
well, just, you can ask for signs.

This was before Gabby, this
was before all of that, and was

like, you can ask for signs.

And I was, what a concept to ask for a
sign because I see them and when they

come up, I would look at them up, but
to actually have the power to know that

we can ask and it will be given, right?


was really incredible.

So for me, That was a fun way to
play and it's always interesting how

the signs show up because we might
be quite literal in our request and

they might tease us a little bit.

And I think that you have one of the
best stories I've ever heard about

the way in which you asked for a
sign and then assigning your sign.

So I'd love for you to tell us about it.

It's the best story.

Abby: Oh my gosh.

Um, yes.

So, well, for a while I had, for a
while I had a cardinal as my sign.

You know, cardinals are often kind
of like this, you know, you see on

things in gift shops where it's like,
oh, if you see a car, if cardinals

appear, it means angels are near.

So like oftentimes it's something
like a loved one that's passed away

and you see a cardinal, and that
can be a sign that they're watching.

Um, and growing up my mom, we had, you
know, a cardinal that always lived by our

house and would always be in the window.

And my, my mom named it Ricardo

and said it was her grandmother.

So I was like, okay.

I mean, this is just something
normal that she's talking about.

And so for a long time it was a cardinal.

And then, um, and then when I moved to
California, it became a hummingbird.

So I'd see a lot of hummingbirds and,
um, . And so there was one day where

I was, I was having, you know, just
some feelings and thoughts around

something and I wanted to make sure
that I was on the right path of it.

And it was kind of a big
decision that I was making.

And we'll keep it under
wraps exactly what it was.

Maybe we'll tell at some point,
but I was having a hard time

deciding what sign that I.

To receive and I was, I
was already on a bird kick.

You know, I had the cardinal,
I had the hum, Ricardo.



And so I was like, oh, but do you know
I was living over near Pasadena at the

time, and Pasadena is weirdly known for
having these like parrots that Squawk,

and I think it was for like a movie.

that they filmed there and they
like released these parrots into

the wild and now they're just
a bunch of parrots over there.

So you'll often like see or hear
them kind of like squawking around.

So I was like, oh, maybe I'll do a parrot
or you know, my friend Callie, her sign is

this like really particular eight pointed
star, like maybe it should be that.

And so I'm like going around
and around in my head of like,

what do I want the sign to be?

And um, and so, I end up taking a
walk later in the day and I'm just

going around the neighborhood.

Went down a street that I had never
gone down before, and I remember I

was looking on my phone for something,
trying to like probably find my way

back and I look up and there is this.

I don't wanna be mean, but really
ugly house in front of me that

is just legitimately covered
with all of the birds and all of

the signs that I had asked for.

Like I we're gonna need to drop
a link to what this looks like.

But literally a house that had,
um, like two cardinals on it.

Like three parrots, two hummingbirds, um,
a sun, you know, eight pointed star sun.

, um, literally everything
that I had asked for.

And like, these are the moments where
you're like, are they fucking with me?


Fallon Jaye: yes.

They, are

Abby: you screwing with me right now?

Are they like, be human in case you,
in case you needed us to be crystal

clear that like it's yes, this
thing that you wanna do is a yes.

Let's just put all of these
signs all on one house in a

way that makes absolutely no.


Fallon Jaye: and in a place that
you would never see that again.

It is not a common, yeah.

Abby: Right.

And, and also, um, I have never
been able to find that house again.

Like I have walked down what I thought
was the same street and I'm sure

it probably exists, but like I have
never found it again after that day.

Or it existed right

Fallon Jaye: when you needed it?

We don't know.

We don't know.

We don't

Abby: know.

But it's like these are the signer signs
where it's like, oh, I asked for somebody

to show me a hummingbird, but like,
what if you could show me a hummingbird

with, that's also with this other bird
and with this other bird, and then

with this other, And then if it's that,
then maybe it's a yes , then maybe I'll

actually listen and so maybe I'll listen.


Fallon Jaye: I'll do that.

I want you to listen.


We're turning up the volume.


Abby: Yeah.

We're gonna make it, we're gonna
make it ridiculous for you.

So ridiculous in fact, that you, you
can't, you know, you can't deny it.

It's un yeah.


Fallon Jaye: Well, and isn't
it interesting too, because

probably some part of UD down.

Already knew that your answer was
a yes, but you needed that extra

confirmation of whether it was support
or that you could trust yourself.

You could trust spirit, like
whatever it might be, right?

Like I think deep down we actually know
the answer, but because of, you know,

our emotional bodies and our emotional
selves, which is so warranted and so

part of the human experience that we
both welcome in, it can feel foggy.

And so I love that you got the
confirmation you needed, but it was also

probably like, well, I maybe also wasn't
ready for the answer to be a full yes.

Because of what it
means on the other side.

Good, bad, or indifferent.

It just means there's something
new that we're gonna have to walk

through, which is the unknown.

Abby: Right?



And I think at the end of the day with
science, the most important thing about

it is that whether you get the sign
that you ask for or you don't, gives you

the answer that you were looking for.

. Yeah, because if you're asking for a
sign and you want it to go a certain

way, then intuitively you already know
the answer that you want to receive,

and you're just looking for permission
outside of yourself to tell you that

it's okay for you to have that thing,
whatever it is, and or walk away

Fallon Jaye: from that thing,
or say yes to the thing or Yeah,

Abby: like leave the relationship or go
for the job or, Like do the investment.


Make the investment like all of the things
that are scary, that your logical mind

is gonna be like, no, don't do that.

That's gonna really like, mess up
all of the stuff that we've already

have like worked out here for you.

So like, probably don't do that.

But you really wanna do it and you know
that it's like the right thing for you.

So you ask for that sign that'll make
you feel like somebody's rooting for you.

Somebody's there holding
your hand along the way.

Yes, yes.


Fallon Jaye: so true.

You know, one of my biggest stories,
um, was I was living in Georgia and

I was looking at moving to Florida.

. Um, and this is my past partner, and
this was actually right after I saw the

video of like, you can ask for signs.

And so I'm like, you know, hey, of course.

Why don't we, yeah, we, why don't we ask
for signs and so where we should move?

And, and um, I said a turtle.

I said, okay, we'll do turtles.

So if a turtles, because we we're in
a position too where we could have

moved out west where my family was.

We could have moved towards the water.

We weren't really sure.

And, um, if a turtle was going toward
land, that meant we were supposed to move

out west and if a turtle was going toward
the water, we would move to Florida.

And this was a situation in which
I don't think, you know, I know,

I really didn't know the answer.

Well, about six weeks later I happened to
go, uh, on a walk down the Chattahoochee.

Cause it was right at the
Chattahoochee River's right there.

And I look over and I see six turtles
jump off of a rock into the water.

And it was in that instance I was.

Oh, there it is.

I know the answer.

There it is.

Um, and I was quite a bit younger
and again, kind of on this

reawakening path where at that time
I probably didn't know the answer.

You know, and I was really open
to receiving what was for the

highest path for us, you know?

And so that is where I now still
reside as in Florida, because of those

turtles jumping in the water . But
at the time it was so beautiful.

It was like so

Abby: confirming.

Well, and also the fact that you
not only saw turtles, like you saw

a really, like real live turtles.


Like not even a picture of a
turtle or like whatever you saw.

A family of turtles that were in
movement, which, you know, for

turtles is a big enough deal as it is.


And they're jumping into the water.

They're like jumping.

Yeah, they're jumping.

I mean, I was gonna say, jumping into
the unknown, but I mean, just the fact

that they're jumping and leaping Yeah.



It's like all of the signs in the
action itself as well as in actually

just seeing the turtles themselves.



Fallon Jaye: And so since then, , I
would say, and I, I know for

you too, our work with signs, I
would say we don't ask for them.

I know for me, I don't
ask for them as much.

Um, but now I find that they're
actually just shown to me.


, you know, I feel like, you
know, so now I'm, I'm to the

stage where, I trust myself.

I've cultivated so much deep
self-trust and trust of God in

being supported and life leading.

That signs still show up.

It just may not be exactly like I'm not
l, I'm not asking for an exact sign,

you know, so I know that, you know, all
of a sudden sunflowers came in my field

and then all of a sudden rainbows, and
it was just this very consistent theme.

And so I think that they're
always there as long as we're

willing to look and receive.

Abby: Yeah, exactly.

I think that, I think in the beginning and
where maybe some of the people listening

here are at is maybe you're starting
on that, you know, spiritual journey or

you're, you're starting to maybe hear and
listen to the voice of your intuition,

but you're afraid to, to really trust it.

So it's a great way to start
asking for science and to start.

To start just even being conscious of
the fact that you do have the power

to ask, and you do have the power to.

to receive, and you, and you're
not, you're not like in this place.

I think a lot of, a lot of the time
when you ask for signs, you're in

a feeling, um, of powerlessness.


. And so it helps you kind of step back
into a sense of ownership over what's

going on in your own life while knowing
that you're receiving that support and

you get to practice learning how to trust
yourself and learning how to trust, you

know, your relationship with that, which
is greater, whatever you wanna call it.


Fallon Jaye: so beautiful.

And if you're still reluctant to
asking for signs, just start to

notice what themes are around you now.

Is there, you know, every morning do you
wake up and you go outside and you see.

Something, a specific animal or

Abby: Ricardo.

Oh, huh.

Just see Ricardo.


Fallon Jaye: Ricardo.

You see Ricardo?

Tell him how he says hello

You know, or repeating numbers.

You know, obviously something that's
very well known as the, repeating

the angelic numbers, but just seeing
what themes you start to catch and,

and asking and staying open to what
is wanting to be revealed to you.


And a whole new world begins to open.

Abby: and the numbers
one that you bring up.

I mean, that's such a, I think that's
probably the most, the thing that's

the most relevant or most seen in pop
culture is like angel numbers, you know?


and people seeing 11.

11, or.

I don't know, 2 22 or 4 44.

1, 2, 3, 4.


But I feel like 11, 11 is probably the
one that's the most, um, pervasive.

Fallon Jaye: That's the initiator.


So I feel like people begin to
see 11, 11 as the initiation into

this deeper awakening happening
within, and they can't quite.

This is the messages that I
get anyway, says, Hey, I'm

seeing 1111 or one 11 a lot.


Abby: what does it mean?

What does it mean

Fallon Jaye: exactly?


What does it mean?

And so I feel like that is the initiator.

So if you begin seeing that a lot,
you are being initiated into just

this deeper awakening, and I would
say synchronicity with life, with

the flow of life, with life moving
through you and waking you up to that.

There's more of you and more of
your power that is waiting to be

expressed and felt and touched by the

Abby: world.

Exactly, and, and the fact that like
becoming more awake and more conscious

to the fact that we're not all just
like, Human, human beings like working

a job and whatever, like until you
eventually pass on, it's mm-hmm.

like we're spirits here in human form.

Having an experience where, you know,
it's like spirits having a human

experience versus just like human beings
with no connection to anything else.



We're here.

Fallon Jaye: It's, you
know, earth is a school.

Abby: and mentally connected to
all of these different things.


And our

Fallon Jaye: souls remember that, but
our human is, is reconnecting with

that remembrance within our bodies.

And so that gets to be the outer evidence.

The sign gets to be the outer
evidence as well as the intuition

gets to be the inner evidence.


. And the more you learn to trust
your intuition, which could be a

beautiful podcast for another day.

Oh yeah.

Um, it will the more, yeah, the
more those signs show up and.

at the same time.

. You know, as we talk about this,
it's, I wanna express too that it's

never a bad thing to ask for a sign.

It doesn't mean you're weak, it
doesn't mean you're out of your power.

It doesn't mean anything.


, we like to joke about asking for signs and
like, but can I get a sign of your sign?

Like, can I, can you also,
so like, we'll get the sign.

So maybe sometimes I've, in the
past I've gotten the sign and

then I'm like, okay, well that's
great, but I just need one more.

So you gave me the hummingbird,
but now can I see the owl?


And so just like

Abby: ting it all back
together, but holding.


Fallon Jaye: like, like the
turtles, but were they, yeah.

Were they in the water?

Did they jump in the, you know, we
can like really break things down

and get really in our human about
it, which is also so beautiful.


Abby: it's so beautiful and
it's just because, you know.

The whole, the joke behind the
sign of your sign is because

you're, you're still afraid.

Like you're still afraid
to trust yourself.

You're still afraid to like take
the leap or do the thing that you

really actually wanna do inside.


And so this whole practice is just how
you get better and better at learning

how to trust yourself and feeling safe.

Trusting yourself and getting to know
the things that, that you really want

because we are so, God, this is also
gonna be a podcast for another day,

but like so conditioned from birth
to just like, follow all the, the

tracks that have been laid out for us.

And in society, and as you know,
women as men, if there are men

listening to this , there should

Fallon Jaye: be

Abby: Um, but yeah, just
really helping us navigate.

And figure out who we are and
what we actually want and what

kind of experience we really
wanna be having while we're here.


In that it doesn't always

Fallon Jaye: have to be logical or
make sense and I'm not one to abandon

logic cuz it absolutely plays its role.

But let's just like pretend that
so many of us have actually kind of

mastered logic and now we get to drop
into the being and the feeling and

the intuitive, um, guidance of where
our soul really does want us to go.

And that is most often going to be.

illogical, along with the signs that
you're going to see along the way.

That will feel so good though.

It feels so freeing when you're living
that way and you're getting those

confirmations and seeing and feeling the

Abby: support.



I feel like as always Good, good
point to wrap it up for today.

I agree.


Fallon Jaye: always, Abby and I
have the best conversations and

so thank you for joining us today.

Thank you all so much for
listening to our first episode.

This was an incredible experience.

You, it's been so much fun.

So you can find us on
the socials, Abby, right?

Where can they find us?

Abby: Yes.

You can find me at, at abby
Hamble on Instagram and TikTok.

Um, and you can find Fallon, uh, Fallon.


Fallon Jaye: I'm double underscore
on Instagram, but you know.

No spaces

Abby: on TikTok.

I just, I just realized that
you were a double underscore.


I didn't know that.


Fallon Jaye: else calling
you that for years.


Somebody else has my name.

Freaking rude.


. Yeah.

Somebody else has Fallon J So I had to
do a do and I couldn't, and somebody

else had a Fallon underscore J.

Now I can't find him at all,
but I, I'm not gonna change it.

It's been too long.


But I'm Fallon Jay on
Facebook and TikTok as well.

Abby: Yeah.

So nobody get confused.


, you'll know which one is the right

Fallon Jaye: Fallon.


The right Fallon one is really fun.

. Exactly.

And we'd love to hear too, your
own experiences asking for signs.


Abby: if you've had some fun crazy ones,
if you see the same angel numbers over

and over again, or if you have any more
specific questions about how to look for

signs or find them or recognize them,
we have lots of insight into science

Fallon Jaye: Yes, and we'd
love to hear from you.


Abby: love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week for listening.

Yes, have a great week.

Asking for a Sign…and then, a signy-er sign
Broadcast by