Faster EFT - Tapping into your best life today

  📍 Hello everybody and welcome to Is Saw the Sign. This week's episode is going to be, well, it's gonna be Me by myself, and I'm Abby Hamble. And we are gonna be talking about one of my favorite tools that I love to use on myself and with clients to rewire their brains to. Do that. Nice self-directed neuroplasticity that helps put up a roadblock when we are going down the same, you know, thought patterns, the same, uh, behaviors that we're looking to change and rewire.

This is a really great tool for that, and it's a really great tool for putting us into our ideal state of being, for creating the. Habits, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors that we want to encode in our brains. And so what we'll be talking about today, it's called Faster, E F T, and I really wanted to talk about this today because.

I've done a few different events in the last couple of weeks and people have just been nonstop talking about the faster E F T and just using it for everything. Not even just for anxiety or or stress or you know, negative thought patterns or fears, but using it to also tap in, literally tap in the new beliefs that they want to encode into their.

Into their brains. And so if you're familiar with EF f t, the emotional freedom technique, that was, um, that, that's a technique that was, it's a slightly different, it's a little bit longer, um, not too long, but it's a, it's a slightly different process that was developed in the early nineties by, um, Gary Craig and.

E F T is primarily used to release stress and negative emotions and calm and regulate the central nervous system. We love a calm and relaxed, central nervous system. That's when you're feeling that's that nice, oh, rest and digest, that parasympathetic response when your body is just feeling. Just peaceful and relaxed and because here's the thing that happens is that when our nervous system gets activated, we start thinking and reacting with the amygdala, which is one of the most kind of primitive parts of our brain that really.

Controls that fear response, that anger response, and when that amygdala gets activated, you know, and maybe it gets activated by like a, an email that you get from your boss at work, right? This was a response that was developed so that we could escape from predators back in the day. And. But when we see something that stresses us out, like an email from our boss or a long text message from a friend that we immediately feel defensive over, then it can trigger and send us into that fight or flight or freeze response or fawn response.

And it just causes your heart to start pumping, your adrenaline to start pumping and your vision to get really focused in, because that's what we needed when we needed to run and escape. Right. So when this happens, we want you to be able to use tools that take you out of that fear response, because that ends up being just this habituated pattern.

You know, you can feel that fear, that anxiety start to kick in that thought, that negative thought loop that starts to kick in. And so we wanna be able to take you back to a place of calm, because when you're in that fear state, The fear, the anxiety, the stress, that is all you can focus on, and for good reason.

I mean, the brain is literally developed that way. It was developed so that that would be your primary focus. Whatever you needed to be afraid of, you had to focus on that so you could get away so that you could survive. Right? The thing is, we don't need that level of fear induced focus in our daily lives.

We're not trying to escape tigers here. You know, maybe some of your bosses out there, but we're just trying to live our lives and trying to create sustainable and enjoyable ways of living in the world. So we use tools like Faster, E F T,

um, to. To help put up that roadblock. So it's like picturing a, you know, a guy, it's like your brain is gonna go down that fear, spiral, that rabbit hole, and instead you just picture a guy coming up with a big, you know, construction guy coming up with a big stop sign, putting up a stop sign, a roadblock. And when you put up that roadblock, It stops that neural pathway from being able to go down the same route that it's always gone before and it forces it to go a new way.

And it does it in a way that is very enjoyable to the body. It does it in a way that feels peaceful, that feels good. And that's what we want because we wanna take you from a place of. Of fear where you can't really see anything else around you except for that fear. And we wanna take you back to a place of expanded awareness where you can see all of the resources that are available to you and you can make this decision the best decision for you from a resourced state of being.

And so here's how it goes. So the difference is with emotional freedom technique with regular EF f t, there's more of a, you know, how do you wanna say it? Kind of like a, I know that I've done this and this and this, but I can still feel this and this and this way, or eyes believe that I can do this and this and this.

And if you are not watching, if you're listening, I'm just tapping on different accu pressure points, which is. The basis of emotional freedom technique, it's really utilizing different accu pressure points in your body to release that stress, to release the, those negative emotions and put you back into a state of calm and regulated, uh, central nervous system.

Now, what we do with faster E F T is we're gonna take the, we'll say the three, you know, two or three fingers of the right hand. Um, in the right hand. So the index finger, the middle finger, and the third finger there, the ring finger. And we're gonna tap on the top of our heads right in the middle of the crown there.

We're gonna tap in the middle of our foreheads. We're gonna tap on the side of the eye, kind of that bone, right on the side of the eye. We're gonna tap on that bone right underneath the eye, and then we're gonna thump. Our chest, right, kind of at the center of that collarbone. And then from there you're gonna take the right hand, kind of encircle the, the, um, thumb and forefinger and you're gonna kind of encircle that around your left wrist, really putting your thumb right at the base of the left hand and holding it there.

There's a nice accu pressure point there, and just take a deep breath in through the nose and

release for twice as long. And so when you tap those points, when you tap starting the top of the head, what you're gonna say is this, I release and let it go. I release and let it go. I release and let it go. I release and let it go. I release and let the shit go

Deep breath in, grab the wrist, and exhale.

Now when you try this yourself, I want you to think of a time in the last couple of days when you felt that, when you felt that you know, anger or you felt anxiety, or you felt stress, anything that you want to. Release, be able to release in that moment. And a very specific example for me is when I was coming back from Disney World a few weeks ago, I had just come off a week spending time with my, um, husband's family.

And it, we had so much fun. And also it was a lot of people to be around. It's a lot of expectations and different things. You know, when you're, when you're with family in a, in a big group of people. There's a lot. There's a lot happening there. So on the way home, I was in the car and I just felt like I needed to release, you know, the energy that I was holding for everybody else.

I just wanted to release and kind of just go back to a peaceful place. And so I sat in the car and I was in the passenger seat, and I just said, release and let this go. I release and let it go. I release and let it go. I release and let this go. I release and let this go.

And so I want you to associate into just lightly associate. Into one of these feelings that you may have felt in the last, you know, couple of days, the last week or so, if you felt pissed off at somebody and you kind of wanna, you wanna let that anger leave your system, or you felt stressed or anxious, associate lightly into that feeling, just noticing where it is in your body.

And then I want you to take yourself through this faster eft and once you get done, Notice how the feeling's different. And if you still feel a little bit of that there, all you have to do is simply repeat it and it just gets you back into that calm, relaxed, peaceful state of being. And from there, this is where it's really powerful.

From there, this is where you get to ask yourself, how do I wanna feel instead? What do I wanna be experiencing instead? And then you start to feel those feelings in your body and you start to bring that awareness into your body.

Got it. Sound good to you? Mm-hmm. One of the beautiful things. So many people have been coming up to me after the last, in the last couple of weeks after I introduced this to them. And I should say also faster. E F T, definitely not created by me faster. EF f t was created by a guy named, I believe it is, hold on, let me find it.

It is, oh, Robert Jean Smith and. He was somebody who was a practitioner of, of emotional freedom technique for years, and then he eventually kind of developed his own faster way of doing it. And I love, I love it because as you know, as I've told you a million times on this podcast, you do not have to. It doesn't have to take you a year and days to do the practices that help you.

It can be something so simple and doing these things, and I, and I really wanna drive this home that every time you put up that roadblock, every time you, you use a technique like this. One of these techniques, or I have actually a bunch other, a bunch of other techniques too that I'm gonna introduce you guys to.

But using techniques like this, they start to rewire your brain immediately, and the more you do it, the faster it works so that it just, it deactivates those old neural pathways and activates new pathways, instilling behaviors and beliefs. To the things that you actually wanna be doing and experiencing and creating and believing, right?

So take that with you. Enjoy it. Let me know, let me know how it helps you. Um, so many people, let's see the ways that they've used it, people have used it to help them sleep at night. To, to tap in the belief that they are going to get the best sleep of their life tonight. They're gonna fall asleep quickly and easily, and they just tap in that belief because that is another thing you can do if you're not wanting to let go of stress and anxiety or any negative emotions happen, some positive emotions tap in, you know, tap on the top of your head.

I'm falling asleep tonight and getting the best sleep of my life. I'm falling asleep tonight and getting the best sleep in my life. You know, whatever you wanna do, whatever you want to instill, encode into your body. Use the tapping. Use the fastie if Tee to tap that in. People have been using it for that.

They've been using it. One of my clients reached out and said she used or she introduced it to her daughter. And her daughter used it to get over a block that she'd been having gymnastics for the last several weeks, and she only had to do 20 seconds of this tapping technique, and she overcame that block.

I mean, it's just insane. It's crazy, but it works. And that is what we like here. We like things that are simple, effective, that work, and that you can do all on your own whenever you want. So, Here's just me reminding you that the power is always within you. I'm here to as a guide, as a coach, to show you some different tools that you can use.

But ultimately, the power is always within you, so don't forget that. And if you are interested in learning more, Amazing tips. Um, I mean, not even tips, but tools, tips, sure. But tools, techniques for rewiring your brain and really, um, recoding your brain with the beliefs that you want to be defining your life, that you can actually have the experiences you wanna be having.

Then come join my group, female Revel. I'm gonna do a free challenge starting next week. And it's gonna be eight days. And I'm gonna be talking about all the different ways that you can rewire your brain. And it's gonna be really fun. I'm gonna give everybody a sleep, hypnosis to listen to at night and a little daily, you know, five minute or less, um, hypnosis just to listen to in the morning as you're getting ready for the day to really bring in.

All of the juicy goodness of what you wanna create. And then at the end of those eight days, and as we go along, we're gonna share what is changing, what are you noticing? What is happening that's different as a result of these new tools that you've been using. So if you want to join in on that, I will drop the link and you can find that in the show notes.

And or you can go to Facebook and just search my group Female rivalry. And that's it for today. I hope you all enjoyed this episode on Faster A F T and thank the Lord and Jesus and angels and the universe above. But the construction across or next door has seem seemingly, um, Stopped for the time being while I created this.

So of course they did, because the angels were always looking out. So as always, I love you, Fallon. Loves you. We will be back next week and please share, share everything. Any thoughts that came up, share what happened when you started doing this tapping and let us know. Uh, review the podcast. Rate it. We just, we wanna hear 📍 from you and we will be back next week and we love you.

We will talk to you soon. Bye.

Faster EFT - Tapping into your best life today
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