Dear Socials, it’s Not Me, it’s You.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about all the S words (apparently), but actually, we’re reconsidering the role of social media in our lives - what we use it for & how it makes us feel.

We know we go to social media to be inspired, to be entertained, to learn something new - but it’s easy to forget that we’re also opening ourselves up to a whole range of energy we probably didn’t prepare for. Posts, reels, stories all comin’ atcha until  somehow an hour has gone by and now we feel bad about ourselves, we have less time than we started with and our eyes are starting to cross.

Is this feeling familiar?

Drop into this episode for a dose of comedy, contemplation and perhaps a little challenge: what would happen if you (gasp!) deleted the social apps from your phone?

We dare ya to give it a try.

Even if you don’t, just know this - all parts of you are welcome here, and we’re leaving none of you behind.

We love you!


Abby & Fallon

Dear Socials, it’s Not Me, it’s You.
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